YESS une CAMPAIGN ! i’m totally on that missta @flat_humour <3 
I don’t know if this will help, but i’ll speak here about how we do organise POLO stuff in digital space with Bordeaux bike polo, this happens mainly through FACEBOOK.
We do use INSTAGRAM for posting pics and events publicity, but very randomly.
If i compile aaaaaaalllll we do on FB, that’s quite a lot :
1 page Bordeaux Bike Polo (general infos blabla about tournaments, public initiations in the city, relaying tournaments events we organise). Posting on this page is under the name of BORDEAUX BIKE POLO, meaning we are a few from the club having this admin status.
1 private group called “BBP adhérents” (means only active members of the club are on it) where we talk about our club organisation / decisions / polls for BBP meetings / private infos…) This group is not visible if you’re not a member and we post on it from our singular profile.
1 public group only for TRAININGS SESSIONS where we have one POLL each week, with our 3 days of training. This group is totally free and visible
1 collective messenger tchat for random blabla, cool meme gif, planning bbq, deciding last minute if we play or not, bull+serious shits +
So in terms of use, there are already a lot of differents ways, thanks to FB HELLPARADIZE, complexifiying SOCIAL ROLES and appearances practices (meta revolution shit).
so it feels it’s not that easy to shift social networks habits and shortcuts.
I see that @Bernard already created several topics for Bordeaux Bike Polo
==> bomba
MERCI gadjo 
Considering the way we use social networks in BBP, one first step could be stop using our private group BBP MEMBERS, and only use it here as a first engaged activity.
question : on Poloverse, is this space can stay “confidential” ? meaning, if you’re not a BBP active member, u have no access to our topic.
Anyhow, this can be possible only if we really take care that our 29 currents members on FB jump here too, so we don’t loose people on the way. I really think people are happy to leave FB theoritically, but change the USE is THE challenge.
So i guess, we have to post our stuff here, and for few weeks / month, post on the FB group a message saying CHECK THIS POST ON POLOVERSE.
Litteral Pedagogy kinda style.
About messenger tchat kinda thing, i feel Poloverse looks way much more like a forum or email kinda graphik design.
Is there a desire of creating a sort of POLOVERSENGER ? or is this not the point at all ?
About BORDEAUX BIKE POLO PAGE, for now I think it’s totally OKAY to use POLOVERSE space, without closing our BBP fb page, but leaving a post with link saying FOLLOW US ON POLOVERSE 
Also, this is really personnal, i guess a lot of people doesn’t care, but i would love to have more customized graphic design options for a club page on poloverse.
For example, it would be really cool that we can set up a background image, replacing the purple automatic poloverse cosmos or choose other funky fonts. I like it hu !!
But i feel each club page could have the possibilities to have a more singular esthetic.
About our trainings session, i feel it’s not that easy to stop using our fb public group, because it’s an evidence that it is the digital space where we can catch most of the newbiz or random curious visitors.
We have a certain pourcentage of new players that are still on the edge, like they see the potential addiction polo droga, but did’nt get a full shout yet 
This is really the trouble i see with POLOVERSE, it looks very confidential and exclusive digital space for “non-yet polo people” compared to the facebookverse.
@flat_humour when u say “I mean, imho second hand market and tourney page are by far the most important pages and they could easily be replaced by equally shitty poloverse versions.”
===> i AGREE.
@emilio “Also, WHERE ARE THE MEMES ? This is a very important factor.”
@flat_humour " I don’t know shit about shit but look here maybe? GitHub - discourse/discourse: A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple."
====> what do u meeeeean ? this is total crypto 4 me 
i think this campaign can appear on all big FB pages like BIKE POLO FRANCE as a first official push, but i feel local use through every club is the way. It has to be GLOCAL (LOL but i mean it)
i stop here
magad i speak tout mutch
anne lise