German Euro Qualifi

Free Agent for Euro Qualis :raising_hand_man:t2:

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Quali infos for players:

Games start at 8:30 on both days (Sat 24 and Sun 25) - be there at that time, we need refs and people setting up things

Games last 18 minutes, with stoppage only in the last 2 mins

We’ll play a full round robin or as far as we get within the time, potentially leaving out some rounds, this depends on the number of teams showing up. I am still waiting on the final confirmation from some teams, but the deadline is Monday, so more news should be out by then!

We’ll be playing the new 2023 ruleset
please read it: EHBA ruleset 2023 - 20230522.pdf
and if you don’t get it, ask questions here: The 2023 EHBA Ruleset megathread

registration fee: let’s see, probably there will be a donation box for food - or no food at all, but there are supermarkets close by, we’ll find a way to survive!

Team list:

Nr Name Players Confirmed
1 des Moggi Pedro Moggi Kevin Andy N
2 kirk babuschka Lefty Phil Momo Max Tony Y
3 funky brothers Basti Lette Karsten Nicolas Y
4 Lizards August Liz Levin Julius Y
5 Aal-Most Holger, Johannes, Nico, Rita Y
6 Team TBA Bln Christoph, Enrico, Max Power, Michi Y
7 J’Adore Hardcore :boom: Aislan (Utrecht), Julia, Lukas and Emilio (3xBerlin) Y
8 Pick up Truck Nico, Ritchi, Sepp, Sebi Y
9 INTERpolo Bert, Christoph, Nyals, TBA ?
10 TBA Leipzig+ Jan, Benni, Daniel, Aljoscha N
11 TBA Frankfurt David, Johanna, Mo und Hammeljan N
12 Octopussy Leon, Robert, Christoph D., tba ?

Y: yes, confirmed, ready to play and keen to win
N: not playing the qualifier
?: still waiting for conformation (I contacted one of your team mates, but feel free to also tell me again that you are in

Interpolo play with Bert,Inkassi, nyals, TBA and we will not be there

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Wrote u

Hello poloverse . Team Pick up Truck is looking for a free Agent. Time is Running. Say yes for a high quality time.


Info first: saturday 8:45 at Lichtenberg (

Details: so - we are only 7 teams participating, for a full round robin that means 6*7/2=21 games

if we start at 9:00, then we will be done at around 18:30 - no games scheduled for Sunday, just pure pick-up fun!

here is the game plan - we’ll do the lottery which team gets which number on Saturday morning - so everyone: be there at 8:45
There =

7 teams Start Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 OUT
Round 1 09:00 1-7 2-6 3-5 4
Round 2 10:15 2-7 1-3 4-6 5
Round 3 11:30 3-7 2-4 1-5 6
Round 4 12:45 4-7 3-5 2-6 1
Round 5 14:00 5-7 4-6 3-1 2
Round 6 15:15 6-7 5-1 4-2 3
Round 7 16:30 1-2 3-4 5-6 7

detailed game plan and results: GermanQualifier2023 - Google Tabellen

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team list please? :pray:

Name Players
kirk babuschka Lefty Phil (FRAX) Momo Max Tony
funky brothers Basti Lette Karsten Nicolas
Lizards August Liz Levin Julius
Aal-Most Holger, Johannes, Nico, Rita
Team TBA Bln Christoph, Enrico, Max Power, Michi
J’Adore Hardcore :boom: Aislan (Utrecht), Julia, Lukas and Emilio (3xBerlin)
Pick up Truck Nico, Ritchi, Sepp, Sebi

I’ve heard there will be some subs though :slight_smile:


Sorry, ein Witz die ganze Geschichte.

Here are the final rankings:

Rank Team Points Wins Ties Losses GF GA GD
1 funky brothers 18 6 0 0 21 7 14
2 kirk babushka 15 5 0 1 26 10 16
3 Lizards 12 4 0 2 28 18 10
4 Enorm in Form 9 3 0 3 22 18 4
5 Aal-Most 6 2 0 4 19 18 1
6 Pick up Truck 1 0 1 5 6 26 -20
7 J‘adore hardcore 1 0 1 5 6 31 -25

1-5 get the german main slots, 6 goes to wild card, 7 gets the host city slot
0th place (Mowhaks) also get a main slot for winning the german champs in 2022!

all other teams that could not play the qualifier can sign up for the wildcard with excellent chances of getting the slot - care will be taken to favour teams who played and did well in the last euros

sign up for everyone, fill out this REGISTRATION FORM!

and also think about what it means for Brlin to step up last minute and save the euros this year - it will be a shit load of work and can only happen if all of you help out - here is a helpers form where you can let us know when and which tasks you’d be happy to help - also share this with your friends who might come to berlin :slight_smile: merciiii, grazie mile, eskerrik asko und vielen dank


Lost and found: Shaft, mallet and water bottle

Das ist meine Wasserflasche.

:warning: :warning: :warning: EURO TEAMANMELDUNG BIS MORGEN (30.06) :warning: :warning: :warning:

heyo - bitte vergesst nicht, euch alle bis morgen hier anzumelden: REGISTRATION FORM

egal ob wild-card oder main event, alle klicken bitte brav auf diesen Link - danke :slight_smile:

und weils so schön war, hier gleich noch ein zweites Formular - das dürft ihr auch gerne mit euren Teammates teilen - nichts ist besser fürs Teambuilding als ne gemeinsame Barschicht!