CANCELED: Holzhausen Open

Name: Holzhausen Open

Dates: 25.07.2024-28.07.2024

Location: Skatepark Holzhausen, Next to Freiburg

Format: 3v3, Open for all Teams, If i have to deside I’ll prefere Mixed Teams.
Thursday Checkin, Building Infrastructure and Pickups,
Swiss Rounds Friday and Saturday, Sunday Finals.

Description: its the weekend of Post-Ecmc-Pre-Wcmwc in Freiburg.
I suggested to do some Polo Action on that weekend to Support the Messengers with some Advanced bike Culture :smiley:

We probably can camp and use Infrastructure of the footballclub Next to the court. If you Need more comfort just Hit me up, we‘ll find a soloution :)

I want to do it acab (as cheap as bossible) but we will have to pay some Feed to the footballclub. I‘ll update when I know how much, but shouldn‘t be much.

I think we will do some bbq, so noone has to have Special wishes :slight_smile:
Drinks should be manageble against Little fees.

Sign-Up: Holzhausen Open vol.1


Edited some Updates.

Hello, What are the coordinates of the court pls ?

48.07170553597915, 7.806605058306407

Got some updates now:

Fee will be 15€/ player. Please sign up until 12.07.

Let´s go :)

Since nobody registered yet, I cancel the event. Maybe next time. See ya!