Is scooping pooping?

Scooping is not pooping until a certain point.
I mostly like scooping because tons of players are focusing on that, thinking it is the craziest thing in bike polo while I’m scoring goals.

Joke apart, I DO LIKE efficiency and sorry scoopers, except a few of you, you are just loosing efficiency.

Scooping is useful just a few seconds for a whole tournament. Having a look at every finale of big tournaments since … forever … I can only say that the best players / teams are not scooping.

To know how to scoop is great, it’s all about ball and mallet control. It’s the same as juggling a football ball : best players know how to do it with tricks etc, but do they do that in the finale of the world cup … ?

To finish, a big mistake that was done was to increase the scoop diameter of the heads in the past ! To decrease that and come back to smaller diameter with flat surface instead of tapered would make scooping way better !


i totally agree with @Bouchaaaaard and that means a lot.
@pajac the slashing was a joke and and the only person i would crash into on purpose is still @Bouchaaaaard
have fun.


1000% Agree!
Ppl scooping too hard, and Bouchard shooting Ducks laughing!

We/You have to understand that ‘over-scooping’ or too much ‘self-scooping’ destroys the dynamics of the game. It makes it “throw-ball-polo” contest.
Self-scooping slows down the game af and destroys the teamplay ‘passing’ element of the game.

If you like it like that, let it be, but I’m just feel sorry for your teammates ;)

As Bouchaaaard mentioned, this downhill ride started, while they increased the scooping diameter of the mallet heads…

Of course there are good reasons and moments to scoop it and poop it, the question is - where is the limit to all of this?

I always wonder about this 2 sec rule for scooping the ball. Did you ever called it as a ref? Bc i think this should be watched more carefully, since I think some players over do it, taking clear advantage of it. Bc nobody really care about this rule.





The two second rule is for ball jointing (when you press the ball down on the ground) and yes I have seen it called before

Scooping is limited by three changes of direction and I believe everyone who is good enough to do that is also smart enough to not do more than that


thx for clarification! I’d better re - read the rules once more :D


sorry for off topic. but i habe to scoop a personal advive to @Tony_Makarony fuck ze rules. dont read it. never. dont mention it again. lets concentrate on live comments for this year.


im slowly preparing for my polo retirement plan and becoming the most rich and annoying ref ever forever!

this thread needs a moderator! :D


Ball joint passes are sweet. Receiving an in-the-air throw/scoop pass is annoying and bounces unpredictably. The ruleset is fine but overscoopers shall be shamed by relentless heckling. Or setting picks. Fun to practice solo but I fumble it in a real game and find it’s not worth it.

I gave up scooping in 2015 when I suffered from a bad case of donut balls at NAs in Lexington. A lot of scoop tactics I was relying on weren’t possible because the ball was just too soft after 30 seconds on the blistering asphalt. I came home and haven’t scooped since in any meaningful way.

I agree with what @Bouchaaaaard has said about how the tactic is weak from a competitive point of view.

I think we could limit changes of direction to one meaning you can drag scoop to lob and cross your front wheel from mallet side. But, it would remove self scoops.

Perhaps the better move might be to reduce the open end diameter to milk ninja size or similar. This wouldn’t remove it but would make it more difficult. Let’s face it, if the ball is crisp and the mallet is fresh, scooping isn’t hard.

I think double cap, despite believing it would be awesome, would make mallet head construction quite difficult.

@andy_h made a great point when we were discussing this. He said that keeping the game 2d and on the ground like ice hockey will ultimately speed the game up and lead to better creative play. Sometimes limitations are required for creativity to flourish.

Bravo to @Mega_shuffle for bringing up the conversation in an open manner. Clearly given the response it was on people’s mind or at least it is a contentious topic that needs addressing. Even if the only result is to take the temperature of community sentiment.

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We/You have to understand that ‘over-scooping’ or too much ‘self-scooping’ destroys the dynamics of the game. It makes it “throw-ball-polo” contest.

We don’t need to understand it Tony every person for and against regulating scooping more stated that “too much” or “over scooping” is bad. In general some of us thinks that over scoopers are “punished” enough by ineffectiveness of such a style of play, will be punished more when people will learn how to defend it bettr and rules are good enough to keep scoops not overpowered, while the others thinks that it has such a negative impact on game and its development that we should limit it more and more.
(actually it is such a poor way of discussing things, “I am right, you just have to understand”)

There are two limitations that comes to my mind, that imho are reasoanble:

  • limit the diameter on the head more - to the limit that is still scoopable but maybe not easy
  • limit the height or angle to/with which ball escapes a head (of course it must be defined in a “reffable” way) in a way that will make scoop passes going on a lower altitude

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