Scooping is not pooping until a certain point.
I mostly like scooping because tons of players are focusing on that, thinking it is the craziest thing in bike polo while I’m scoring goals.
Joke apart, I DO LIKE efficiency and sorry scoopers, except a few of you, you are just loosing efficiency.
Scooping is useful just a few seconds for a whole tournament. Having a look at every finale of big tournaments since … forever … I can only say that the best players / teams are not scooping.
To know how to scoop is great, it’s all about ball and mallet control. It’s the same as juggling a football ball : best players know how to do it with tricks etc, but do they do that in the finale of the world cup … ?
To finish, a big mistake that was done was to increase the scoop diameter of the heads in the past ! To decrease that and come back to smaller diameter with flat surface instead of tapered would make scooping way better !