Hey Tom,
Thanks for that message!
I could feel your division on this topic! And we are on the same page, starting with yourselft, is the best way to be active in the process and not wait/frustrate from statu quo.
And I can only agree and applause for bringing up the social parameter to the mercato.
By the way, for the story, we try to bring an « open » mercato in Brussels, we have a channel dedicated to it, but still most of the formation go « under the table »,
Yet I don’t fully understand your position against that you initially express, and the exemple you use, I want to understand better by rising some questions 
You mention that there is a flaw in the merit process, which you mention being the social parameter.
(Nepotism, in its extended form, is quite common in society when there are no diversity guideline in forming a group.)
Yet, you make a case using the merit parameter and the gender parameter, you take the worst case of the matrix, being merit + male and demerit+flinta.
But I thought merit wasn’t really a reality ? Or maybe a 2nd parameter after the social one?
And second, it can be read between lines that this is a common case. Today maybe.
The point we discuss is the polo of tomorrow.
Mandatory mixed to me is a temporary tool, to support bringing as many FLINTAs as possible to competitive level, so that the case you mention is rare enough.
Once this is achieved and if the selection by merit really works, mandatory mixed won’t even be needed.
And last, on a more radical point of view, your case can be read as a crying male afraid to loose is share in a barely meritocratic system that he underline himself.
Turn your case around, not the matrix itself, but the way you look at it.
You describe it from the perspective of 2 males having to select between a merit male and a demerit flinta, having the risk to select the demerit flinta because of the mixity rule.
Yet, all the team will face the same situation, right ? In the end, whatever new rule we are talking about, we should make sure it is fair, right ? We are not talking about moving the ball of a joust 5m towards a team for ex.
So, if all the team face this mandatory mixed in a fair way, and considering that the rare ressource is the competitive flintas, it seems to me that flintas will have the power to select based on the merit of potential (male) teammates.
Is it what hurts you inside ?
I take this radical point of view just to open the discussion window, it’s not meant to be agressive (I say this because I know reading leaves space for interpretation).
I’m really happy we exchange on this topic!
To finish on a nice tone, that remind me an interview of Brazil top female soccer player, Marta Veira Da Silva:
Cheers !