mallet interference [NEW RULE}

[Old]: “ A player using their mallet to initiate contact with the mallet of an opposing player, to concede possession to a defensive player within the crease will not be issued a mallet interference penalty.”
[New]: “ A mallet interference infraction is called when a player uses their mallet to hook as per 6.4.6 a member of an opposing team to concede possession to a member of their team. A ball leaving the immediate vicinity of the players by approximately 3m will be considered a loose ball and will be deemed playable by any other player in the court.”

this change disallow completely touching the ball while two people are hooking even withing the crease. so if u a goalie and the ball is in front of your goals / you and somehow two people hook themselves , you cannot clear the ball from in front of your goal.

i want people to realize that hooking is not a one way action, the person being hooked has full control on if he wants to “maintain the hooking” or try and “disengage from the hooking”. its is clearly a offensive buff to be able to create an invisible sphere around the ball that prevent anyone from touching it. imo we will see the limits of this mechanic very quickly.

6.4.6 Hooking A hooking infraction is called when a player hooks their mallet on an opposing player’s bike or body. A mallet hooking infraction is called when a player uses their mallet to impede the free movement of an opponent’s mallet by either hooking, pinning, entangling, or grappling it continuously for a period of time. A player in close proximity to the ball such that they can directly play it may engage in mallet hooking in an attempt to gain possession. The ball must be within reach of the player prior to the attempt. Contact must be released the moment the ball leaved the immediate vicinity or it becomes unplayable by the hooking player.

my questions are

  • how long can i continuously hook someone mallets when the ball is in reach

  • if the ball is in reach, and im in the process of hooking someone , can someone else take the balll ? if that person keep the ball in my reach can i still be in a hooking process ?

  • if the action of taking a loose ball from 2 players in the middle of a hooking is forbiden why not state it clearly ?

I guess answers that no. The tip I got is that you hook till reinforcements come, then let it go so they get the ball while no hooking is happening. If you are the reinforcements, wait (or scream) for your team mate to stop hooking. Kinda dirty, but less dirty than holding forever.

Not sure how to feel about this one… I’ve seen many saves by a fast defensive player getting their mallets on the way of the shooting mallet, sometimes by hooking. It sure feels dirty. Maybe the thing is how close to the goalie it is? I guess I agree with the rule, but there is something missing about a goalie defending a goal, or no hooking inside the crease or something…

the rule says that within the crease , anyone can clear the ball ( without waiting for any hooking to resolve) but if its happenening just at the border of the crease yo, you could sprint out of goal and clear it, but no. not if they are hooking. in many other situation this "invisible shield " created around the ball when a hooking is happening is very unatural for the play mechanism