Congrats to everyone who was fast enough to register.
As always the Tournament will take place in Volksgarten. It is a protected Zone by the police. That means they are allowed to check your ID without a reason, check if you have drugs or illegal stuff. So please don´t take illegal stuff to volksgarten and always have an ID card with you. And riding your bike in volksgarten is illegal too… ACAB
Sleeping: We rent Club Hybrid (Herrgottwiesgasse 161) from friday till monday. It’s a nice little Location where you can Camp at the areal. There are also toiletts and showers we can use.
So bring your tent and sleeping bags. A few camping vans can park there as well but just on the asphalt / gravel not in the grass.
Parking in Herrgottwiesgasse is for free.
We provide breakfast and lunch each day!
reg fee: we want to ask you to send 60€ via paypal friends and family to until april 15th. IF I didn´t recieve the money until then, the first of the waitinglist will take your spot.
The Plan for the weekend:
We build up the court in Volksgarten and then play some pick ups and hang around. Helping hands for the built up are always appreciated 
In the evening we will be at Club Hybrid (Herrgottwiesgasse 161)
morning group starts at 8:30. There will be breakfast at the court. And we will provide lunch as well.
In the evening there will be a party at “Die Brücke”, where we probably go to. We dont know for sure now…
Start at 8:30. Breakfast will be at the court. On Sunday there is “Schlagergarten Gloria” in Volksgarten, so Party the whole day.
You will get a voucher for 1x meal for “Flying kitchen” vegan food truck. Go and get some great food there!
Dismanting the court. Please help
I hope I didn’t forget anything…
… except Bikepolo Vienna will always be uncool