Bench de la galette #10 / TOURS / 15-16 March 2025

Hi all,

Tours bike polo is pleased to organize the Bench de la galette number #10.
This is a bench tournament with teams of 5 players.
Double indoor court out from the wind.
For the public: free entry all weekend !
The following information will evolve over the next few weeks :

Gymnase de la ROTONDE
54 rue Jules Guesde
37000 - TOURS - FRANCE


Coming Soon


Coming Soon


Registration OPEN !
Registration is closed on January 15th

Registration form : Registration for BENCH #10

Be carreful, the registration is validated if the team send only one form and without TBA

The registration fee is €25/person and includes the rental of the gym, 2 breakfasts and lunch for the sunday.


Tours bike polo tries to accommodate everyone but it is not guaranteed, we will inform you as soon as possible.


Coming Soon


Du couo si on paye on est sur d’etre pris c’est ca?

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I have modifed the post, you can pay only if you are selected after lottery :wink:

When is the lottery?

Final Team List before lottery :

Team Name Capitain City / Club Player 2 City / Club Player 3 City / Club Player 4 City / Club Player 5 City / Club
Arte Alphonse Lyon August Munich Jason Montpellier Vincent Lyon Elodie Strasbourg
Les Frèrettes Romain Thouin Paris Bike Polo Julien Thouin Montpellier Max Rouen Eliska Prague Bouchard Lyon
Spectrum Levin Halle Dev Lyon Samir Nantes Martin Paris Morgan Lyon
Brianza Bike Polo Tommi Milano Pyetro Milano Riki Milano Bojo Milano Alex Lyon
Saint-Étienne Bike Polo Coralie Lyon Thomas Paris Antoine Paris Nicolas Paris Martin Paris
Maïs tropical Quentin Nantes Baptiste Bruxelles Bulle Bruxelles Toma Tours Punch Vincenza
BOSTON PARIS UNITED Hugo Paris Charles Paris Jav Boston Nick Boston David Boston
Do eeehht Anaïs Rouen Bernie Bordeaux Justine Paris Gaspard Bordeaux JFran Paris
Morning Star Dani Lyon Reno Lyon Oscar Lyon Ella Lausanne Martin Lausanne
Rolling Roosters Valentin Tours David Tours Ronan Tours Fabien Tours Nicolas Tours
Albatar Katal Montpellier Lisa Berlin Rem’s Moulin Pix Brussel Silvio Sud
Les fracasseurs de bitume :fire: Galpin Romain Tours Saussé Florent Tours Berthier Raphaël Tours Fred mimiche Nantes Adrien dedy Paris
La fève Tomtox Paris Lilpak Paris Clemence Rouen Mathias Paris Chloé Paris
Les lumières Damien Lyon Nizar Lyon Alban Lyon Quentin Charrier Lyon Jonas Lyon
Fercoq Renovation Arthur Tours Remy Toulouse Parcim Toulouse Mac Fly Montpellier Quentin Vallette Rouen

Hi Levin, the lottery will take place after 15/01, we will keep you informed of the date