Berlin Astro Bench Pre Action

What’s up Berlin?

Have you planned anything on the behalf of pre tournament action?
Id like to propose riding the critical mass/ marching with climate activists.
What are ur ideas?



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Ok so here’s the program from telegram channel:

:star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck: THE PROGRAM :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:
(see attached pdf file for updated player’s list)
:aries: :taurus: :gemini: :cancer: :leo: :virgo: :libra: :scorpius: :sagittarius: :capricorn: :aquarius: :pisces:

:new_moon: 24.09, Friday:

  • 12:00, in front of the Bundestag: Klima-Streik (Globaler Klimastreik am 24. September 2021 - Finde Deine Demo - #Klimastreik)
  • 18:00, Marianenplatz: Critical Mass (mega cool)
    :waxing_crescent_moon: 25.09, Saturday:
  • 8:30, Lichtenberg: opening ceremony (Google Maps)
  • 9:30 SHARP: first game
  • 20:00: dancing (location TBA, suggestions are welcome)
    :first_quarter_moon: 26.09, Sunday:
  • 9:30: more games
  • 18:30: finals
    :full_moon: 27.09, Monday:
  • 12:00, Tempelhofer Feld: brunch/picnic
  • 15:00, Neukölln: ping pong tournament
  • afternoon/evening: pickups.
    Some extra info:
  • give Rita the T-Shirts
  • some players swapped teams, see the new list
  • think positive to have good weather. this is Berlin, it may be shitty
  • sunday is election day. be sure to order the briefwahl stuff on time if you vote in germany

Anyone in Berlin today?

wooow i’ve only seen this topic today! ahahahha

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