berlin:mixed 2024


Hi everyone,

Berlin is working on the 10th birthday edition from the berlin:mixed! Can you believe it?? It feels like it was yesterday… :heart:

Ze info:


  • Friday the 12th of July to Sunday the 14th of July;
  • Every team will have to play on Friday already. Go talk to your boss;
  • It’s at the Tempelhofer Feld, as usual, but maaaybe some things change;
  • 99% sure it will be 48 teams, 3 courts, the classic format;
  • Teams need to have more than one gender identity represented;
  • Teams get one life for each FLINTA+ player;
  • Only Berlin players approved by the orga desk can sub;
  • No TBAs allowed;
  • If everything goes according to plan, there will be a kids court!
  • Registration goes to the 31st of March, 23:59, Berlin time;
  • Lottery will be right after, on 1st of April (90% sure).

:warning: if the housing situation is getting critical, get in touch! :warning:

And without further ado…
:drum: :drum: :drum: :drum:

:fire: TEAM LIST :fire:

1 Stadionverbot Kim-Lea Berlin Jasper Berlin Alex Berlin/Australien
2 ToMiLi Tony M. Michi Lishka
3 watch me dance gitti emilio adam
4 Familie Thomas Christina Philip Max
5 Virgin Power Eliška Leon Momo
6 ears tears madej enrico kim (vD)
7 Magmanifics Aislan (Utercht) Marco (Berlin) mg (Berlin)
8 Funkytime Ladina Nicolas Basti (C)
9 Polo Poultry Jules (Berlin) Olli (Dresden) Teppich (Berlin)
10 Rookies 2.0 Maryse Napoleoni Damien Kervella Jonas Lederer
11 The Ball Hogs Romana Daniil Kyncl
12 Cassiopeia George Holgeur Leila
13 monstera deliciosa Julia Karsten Frieda
14 Crankreich Alican Céleste Bobo
15 Buena Onda Gabriela Flo Apostolos
16 Gentle violence Lukas Raimo Lisa T
17 Absopololutely Rita (BLN) Benni (Halle) Daniel (Halle)
18 Summertime Goth Kat (Birmingham) Astrid Charlie (London)
19 Butter Cookies Top (Milano) Livia (Milano) Gallo (Milano)
20 The Tafia Marika (Cardiff) Paul (Cardiff) Leo (Cardiff)
21 Ematoma Sonny Michela Beppe
22 The Tripple C Anaïs (Montpellier) Nils (Montpellier) Kevin (Berlin)
23 Versumpft vorm Netto Paula Kevin Chris
24 Vandals Alphonse Élodie Vincent
25 To drugs say pizza, to yes say no Clara Äri Johannes G.
26 Pédalosaurus Rex Karen (Montpellier) Max Harry (Bristol)
27 Hémorragie Interne Bulle Tomtox Alix
28 Schlagobers Allison Filippa Richie
29 Sensual Seduction Turbo Olej Ewa
30 I don’t care Alca Quentin didiers Romain thouin
31 Da muss ich mal drüber nachdenken Katja (Lpz) Malte (Lpz) Christiane (Lpz)
32 EPIC Elena ( Gva ) Manuel ( Gva ) Mateen ( Vienna )
33 Sneaky Pixies Coco // Lyon Anaïs // Rouen Jérôme // Paris
34 Jolie Roue Ell’a (Lausanne CH) Théo (Lausanne CH) Cody (Geneva CH)
35 Superhirnmini Sepp Luise Erni
36 little birds baptiste pablo shaki
37 Geplante Obszönität Remy August Lisa
38 Performative Acts Dani Nives - Salt Lake City, Utah (she/her) Mischa Max Waldman - NYC, NY (they/them)
39 Terminator 3 Anna Christopher Georg
40 Sandstorm Zita Lette Frax
41 Rafal Cathal Montpellier Raphaelle Montpellier Silvio Toulouse
42 Broken corns Johanna (Vienna) Andi (linz) Django
43 Amici Della bici Genna Romi Alejandro
44 La Antwort Niklas (Berlin) Omayra (Mexico/Vienna) LeftyPaul (Vienna)
45 Piña Colada Clement - Bern Luce Chrigu
46 Elefanta Rita Reto Dani Matti
47 El Niño Manu Levin Dev
48 with pleasure Jo Bex Ali Bey Nathalie Geneve

:poop: WAITING LIST :poop:

# Name Player 1 Player 2 Player 3
1 Ni se ve la Chaki! Manu Osorio Lucas Pace Gonzalo Loker
2 Apatridas Julia Dubetonbrut Wil Ray
3 Anna RikoRos Riko Kevin Anna
4 Let’s did it Raphi Schlotti Maus
5 Second Place Mya Saúl Jason
6 Golem Jirka Jonáš Kamila
7 ( Y ) BUTTS ( Y ) Patti - Toronto Max - Rouen Zach - Winnipeg (Deep in the Canadian Prairies)
8 Baltic Surfers '24 Kuba Asia Ture
9 Polenta Emilio (Argentina) Malena (Argentina-USA) Dieguez (Argentina)
10 Uffbasse Miguel Mo Paula
11 EZ Martin Paris Vincent Brussels Jovina Vienna
12 Tranquillo Pyetro (Milano) Riley (Prague) Jessica (NYC)
13 MULTITOOL Anna the Coach Pap Mazzetta
14 AAlstrong Robert (Hamburg) Nele (Leipzig) Shadow (Hamburg)
15 Team Kette Svenja Niels Robert (Halle)
16 Alice in Chains Conny Madej Pajac
17 Enorm in Form Levin Quimey Julius
18 New Delhi Bike Polo Juliane Drews David Varga Morgan Hidalgo

All the best
Berlin Bike Polo


When is soon, in coming soon?


ahah, Ale, I added the Event widget, and to allow it generate the link field I’ve put “coming soon”.
@Michi you can replace it with the registration URL as soon as you have one, by editing the post :slight_smile:


thanks pyetro, yes we will add the registration URL as soon as possible :slight_smile:


Any updates peeps?

So exciteeeeeeed xx


Hi! Any news about registration date and lottery?
Some of us are not in Europe and want to make sure we can afford to travel across the atlantic.

Thank you ! <3


Heeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy soon is NOW!
Check the first post in the thread again, registrations are on!!!

Sorry for the silence and the delay! Lov u all!


free agent


My Cousin (Fabi from Regensburg)& I looking for a FLINTA Player to select a Team​:smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:

Hello ! I’m a newbie flynta player from Montpellier, started playing in september. I’m looking for a third player to complete a team with another cool C player from Montpellier :grin: We may be newbs, but we train hard and we’re gonna have such a blast altogether !!


WHat does this mean?
" How many Berlin players willing to help do you have in your team? "

if we have 0 Berlin players but we are happy to help what should be my answer on a scale from 0 to 3 ?

If you have 0 Berlin players, then you should answer with “0”. Everybody is welcome to help though :)


Do you still looking for someone? :smiley:

Hey if you are still looking I would happily be a third player. Would be my first time at Berlin but have been to numerous other tournaments (probs a B player) :upside_down_face:

Hey there! I’m a C Flinta from Montpellier (an other :sunglasses: coucou Anais), and I’ve teamed up with this super cool player C, also from Montpellier. We’re on the lookout for a third member to join our squad and make our gaming adventures even more awesome! If you’re up for some fun and gaming excitement, come join us :sparkles::field_hockey::bike:

Hey there, a friend and I (both beginners) are looking for a FLINTA* player. We will for sure have a lot of fun independent of the results :-)

I also looking for a team for my first time Berlin mixed! Playing since one year in Leipzig…hope we will see us in Berlin :heart_eyes:

Sooo lottery tomorrow! Pay attention to this thread and/or bbp’s instagram account! Below is the list of registered teams. If your team is not on this list, register again, and/or drop me a line! If you don’t find your friend’s team, tell them ASAP!! You still have a few hours, rush rush rush.

CAUTION: this is not the final list. There is still the lottery.

also let me know if you spot any mistakes

registered teams:

Team name: Player 1: Player 2: Player 3:
watch me dance gitti emilio adam
Versumpft vorm Netto Judith Kevin Chris
Familie Thomas Christina Philip Max
Second Place Mya Saúl Jason
Tranquillo Pyetro (Milano) Riley (Prague) Jessica (NYC)
Uffbasse Miguel Mo Paula
Virgin Power Eliška Leon Momo
Amici Della bici Genna Romi Alejandro
schnitzel Dani Nives - Salt Lake City, Utah (she/her) Emily Croft - Salt Lake City, Utah (she/her) Max Waldman - NYC, NY (they/them)
Jolie Roue Ell’a (Lausanne CH) Théo (Lausanne CH) Cody (Geneva CH)
ears tears marco enrico kim (vD)
Alice in Chains Conny Madej Pajac
Summertime Goth Kat (Birmingham) Astrid Charlie (London)
TBA Elena ( Gva ) Manuel ( Gva ) Mateen ( Vienna )
Stadionverbot Kim-Lea Berlin Jasper Berlin Alex Berlin/Australien
Enorm in Form Levin Quimey Julius
Superhirnmini Sepp Luise Erni
Sensual Seduction Turbo Olej Ewa
Little shetland Jo Bex Ali Bey Nathalie Geneve
Geplante Obszönität Remy August Lisa
little birds baptiste pablo shaki
Magmanifics Aislan (Utercht) Marco (Berlin) mg (Berlin)
Absopololutely Rita (BLN) Benni (Halle) Daniel (Halle)
Da muss ich mal drüber nachdenken Katja (Lpz) Malte (Lpz) Christiane (Lpz)
Sneaky Pixie Coco // Lyon Anaïs // Rouen Jérôme // Paris
The Tafia Marika (Cardiff) Paul (Cardiff) Leo (Cardiff)
I don’t care Alena Quentin(Nantes) Romain thouin
Funkytime Ladina Nicolas Basti
Polo Poultry Jules (Berlin) Olli (Dresden) Teppich (Berlin)
Tours Mixed Polo Anne Toma Arthur
Rookies 2.0 Maryse Napoleoni Damien Kervella Jonas Lederer
Baltic Surfers '24 Kuba Asia Ture
Let’s did it Raphi Schlotti Maus
Schlagobers Allison Filippa Richie
ToMiLi Tony M. Michi Lishka
Eterna Sympatía Diana Emmet Dev
Hémorragie Interne Bulle Tomtox Alix
I don’t care Alca Quentin didiers Romain thouin
La Antwort Niklas (Berlin) Omayra (Mexico/Vienna) LeftyPaul (Vienna)
Rafal Cathal Montpellier Raphaelle Montpellier Silvio Toulouse
Terminator 3 Anna Christopher Georg
The Ball Hogs Romana Daniil Kyncl
Elefanta Rita Reto Dani Matti
Cassiopeia George Holgeur Leila
monstera deliciosa Julia Karsten Frieda
( Y ) BUTTS ( Y ) Patti - Toronto Max - Rouen Zach - Winnipeg (Deep in the Canadian Prairies)
Butter Cookies Top (Milano) Livia (Milano) Gallo (Milano)
Broken corns Johanna (Vienna) Andi (linz) Django
Golem Jirka Jonáš Kamila
Team Kette Svenja Niels Robert (Halle)
Crankreich Alican Céleste Bobo
Sandstorm Zita Lette Frax
Anna RikoRos Riko Kevin Anna
New Delhi Bike Polo Juliane Drews David Varga Morgan Hidalgo
Buena Onda Gabriela Flo Apostolos
MULTITOOL Anna the Coach Pap Mazzetta
Vandals Alphonse Élodie Vincent
AAlstrong Robert (Hamburg) Nele (Leipzig) Shadow (Hamburg)
EZ Martin Paris Vincent Brussels Jovina Vienna
To drugs say pizza, to yes say no Clara Äri Johannes G.
Ni se ve la Chaki! Manu Osorio Lucas Pace Gonzalo Loker
The Tripple C Anaïs (Montpellier) Nils (Montpellier) Kevin (Berlin)
Polenta Emilio (Argentina) Malena (Argentina-USA) Dieguez (Argentina)
A brave saint in broad Robin (Dresden) Sebi (Dresden) Eva (Dresden)
Pédalosaurus Rex Karen (Montpellier) Maïto (Montpellier) Harry (Bristol)
Apatridas Julia Dubetonbrut Wil Ray
Ematoma Sonny Michela Beppe

Team Espresso registered in time and is not on the list.
Please do not forget us for the lottery!



When is the lottery? And is it live?