Bristol Mixed Open 10-11 August


Free agents sign up here!
If you’re looking for a team, sign up here:

And if you’re in need of a teammate, let us know and we’ll share the free agent list with you. We’ve got a full house at the moment, and hopefully we can keep it this way, it’s so much easier to schedule!

Teamlist is here:

We’re so excited to have lots of euro players come and join us :hugs:
The accommodation for the tourney is free camping, and we can host before/after. We provide breakfast, and there are BYO food and drink options to keep it cheap while your’re here.
Any questions, just ask :writing_hand:

Date: Saturday 10 & Sunday 11 August

Format: 4v4 squad teams, 24 teams, 2 courts
More info tbc
Entry fee £20

Location: Campus Skatepark, Winterbourne BS36 1QG
Please note! The courts are outside Bristol and not a nice cycle. Lots of us locals camp at the courts too, and so we don’t offer hosting during the tourney

Accommodation: free courtside camping for 3 nights Friday to Sunday with toilets and hot shower
We can offer some hosting either side for our friends travelling from far

Food & drink: free breakfast Saturday & Sunday
There is a cafe and bar onsite
BYO bbq available

Entertainment the legendary karaoke party is back thanks to Jesse :microphone:

A note on reffing
We will need everyone to help with reffing and we really want to encourage and make this accessible for all players. Lots of players coming will not be experienced refs, and we want Bristol Open to be a safe environment for inexperienced refs to practice and learn.

So we will focus on The Ref Is Always Right - if there is any word against the ref, they can give 30 seconds straight away. No-one really likes to be shouted at…

We did this last year and it worked well (as well as free beers for reffing multiple games ;))




hey, quick question. is it really 4v4 games or 3v3 squad system with 4 people per team?

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It’s a squad system, 4 people per team, games are 3v3

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are you looking for one extra team mate?

don’t look further, ASK ME

5 yrs playin
will hopefully probably be in london too
doesn’t annoy the refs


Last minute looking for a team! 2 (maybe 3) of us from Scotland are looking for a 4th (maybe also 3rd). Lemme knoooww!

Reg closes this Thursday, on 2 days. :slight_smile:

Edit: We’re sorted!! Bristol here we come!!!


Registration closes today!

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hey, this is Olli from Dresden. I had someone from each of my teams for both London and Bristol cancel and now we have an open spot for both teams. the teams are “GoGoGoGolondrinas” for Bristol and “Whimsical Woodpecker Warriors” for London. both teams have a nice and supportive attitude and would love to play with you. just write me if you want to play with us. i would love to make sure the teams are complete so i’m hoping to hear from you. :) cheers Oliver



Total late comer… BUT if anyone is looking looking for a team mate, lemme know!!


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Tickets booked! Does anyone have experience with bikes+easyjet? Checked luggage costs 40 pounds while checked bike costs 45. Seems like it is worth it to book special luggage, no?


Hey hey … Frix is free agent !!! If u wanna have a fun and polo… or polo Fun!

Contact me !


hey there !
please allow me this little off topic…

Bulle, myself, and our 3 y.o. Saule will be visiting your lovely island between the 7th and the 15th-ish of August (with a car and a tent).

we are indeed looking for any tips, nice places to stay, rivers to ride, villages to visit, easy trails to hike… or whatever experience you might recommend.
action field would approximately be within a 2 hours drive around bristol…

please do not hesitate to drop your secrets in my DMs !
thank you so much,
looking forward to see you all !


Hey hey hey polo pals
Just a month to go :):):)

Everyone is paid up, thank you kindly :sparkles:

Here’s the latest team list :fire::

Please :pray: let us know of any changes to your teams!

We’ll be emailing out info soon and want to make sure everyone receives it :)


Hello all, I’m thinking of coming. It’s been way too long since I’ve played polo in the UK. Would anyone need a sub? Please hit me up asap! @semeluca on Instagram if I don’t respond.


Anyone looking to fill a team gap?
B player
Moved to the UK from NZ been playing 5yrs, love to do more polo on this side of the world! Will come hang out regardless of finding a team


Heyhey! Does anyone from uk/bristol have a spare tent for me and my partner? So we don’t have to bring it from Vienna?

We are one week in wales and it would be nice to have some more space for clothing

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Anyone still need a player?
Freed up to travel over after dropping from a race :pleading_face:

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I do but am in Sheffield, I can bring to Bristol open and you can leave back in Bristol if that helps? It’s a 3 person dome tent

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We are providing tents for people, I’ve got you on the list already :call_me_hand:


That’s so cool! Thank you :heart:

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