Dresden Debacle Vol. 1!


Dresden Debacle Vol. 1! June 1st -2nd

We officially start the registration period. :slight_smile:

Important Details:

  1. Sep 2024 - 29. Sep 2024

Registration is over

48 Players, 8 spots reserved for Dresden players.

Fee/contribution to expenses: 25 Euro - We set it at that amount for now. We might find that we have significant lower costs for this tournament and will then adjust the amount downwards before we ask for payment.

Court location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/9HP4otx1ajfmGTTB9

Registration e-mail: bike_polo_dresden@posteo.de

ABC Style, teams stay together for the duration of the tournament. Please state your perceived player level in the registration e-mail. Please don’t underrate yourself :wink: we highly encourage all player levels, from 0 to hero, to participate.

Tournament games Saturday and Sunday, maybe pickups or knife fights on Friday but don’t count on it for now. You can definitely already arrive on Friday.

We can provide housing for a good amount of players with local players/friends. If you want us to host you, please state so in the registration e-mail.

Not so important details:

If we have more than 40 registrations, we’ll do a lottery with double chance for flinta players. So far in Dresden we don’t believe that we will have that kind of turnout. One can only hope :slight_smile:

Preliminary registration deadline is 03.03. That is so that by then we can confirm to everyone whether they are in for sure or not. If we don’t have enough registrations by then, then we just keep filling the spots.

We probably won’t have good lights at the court, which means that tournament games will not go past sunset. Maybe we’ll make something work for pickups.

your Dresden crew!
Dresden can’t wait for you all. Big smiles!


Stupid question. But:
How many digits or numbers between zero and hero?

Like …3,4,hero,
Or more like …,98,99,hero?

Or do you want words and and sentences and stuff like that?

Hey Richie. Really good question actually.
For the registration you can choose to share as little as A/B/C level. We appreciate a finer grained rating in a scale from 1 to 10, but it’s not necessary if you don’t feel you can judge yourself so precisely or don’t want to.

Hello everyone! Small update, as we stand at 42 registrations as of today we will most definitely have a lottery. Which will take place at the 03.03.2024 at 08:00 pm. Will not be a big interesting event, basically just a live screen share of me running a script or something like that. cheers olli


hey everyone, just a few days left for registering. deadline is 03.03 6 pm. the lottery will just be 2 h later at 8 pm. It will be an online conference, i will post the link to join soon. Don’t expect too much in terms of entertainment from the lottery itself but who ever wants to, can hang out and chat about tournaments, polo and life after. cheers olli


just over half an hour left until registration deadline. the lottery will take place at 8 as an online meeting/conference that you can join in your browser ;)

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hello lovely people! I have send everyone that was picked in the lottery an e-mail with the payment details for the registration fee. Please check your e-mails :)
please write me if you didn’t get anything or find anything to be wrong

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Hello polo friends,

there’s half a week left on the reg fee payment period and only less than half of the drawn people have paid the fee. Please check your e-mails and pay the fee or sadly we will have to give your spot to the next person in the waiting list. If you can’t find the mail, contact me. cheers
Olli :)

Updated Playerlist
Anton, Leipzig
Christoph, Leipzig

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Everyone payed in time? I was hoping of a bit of a movement in the waiting list ;)


some people from the waiting list advanced.

in :
Adrian -
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hello everyone, i just send a mail out to those that indicated that they want accommodation with the details. If you want housing and didn’t get an e-mail. please get in touch with me.

also, we had some cancellations and i will contact people from the waiting list today. please be ready when you’re somewhat up on the waiting list or ideally write me directly if your are available to play, as i only have your e-mails for communication and that exchange can sometimes be pretty slow.

hey everyone,
one more announcement regarding the waiting list.
as we’re so close to the tournament, most people from the waiting list have other plans by now. so going forward we ditch the waiting list altogether. Of those people that told me that they will come no matter what despite not being drawn, you will most likely be able to play.
Everyone else that is not currently listed as a player and want’s to play can write me. If more spots open up it’s first come first serve.

Can’t wait for you all, much love

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as most of you must have seen by now, the weather forecast paints a very dark picture for this weekend. Dresden is currently debating heavily what to do. please have a bit more patience with us, we’ll post something soon

Dresden Debacle is canceled due to bad weather.

With a heavy heart I have to inform you all that Dresden has decided to cancel the tournament.

The weather forecast says exceptional amounts of rain pretty much constantly for the whole weekend but especially for Saturday, including thunder storms. Unfortunately we won’t be able to accommodate a nice experience for anyone on Saturday, as we can’t even provide much shelter. We discussed this a lot and eventually had to make a group decision. We also have to take the safety of all the players into account. This hits us hard as you can imagine as this would have been our first tournament and we are deeply sorry for any trouble this might mean to you.

What does it mean:

The main tournament is canceled. You will be refunded the reg fee. You do not have to ask for it. We had a lot of costs already, but that’s okay because we will for sure organize this tournament, this is more of a postponement.

We will find another date to have the tournament, which isn’t easy, more infos about that in a later mail.

For those that decide to come anyways, do it! We will make some pickups happen on Sunday when there’s supposed to be less rain. You can hang out with us throughout the weekend and we do our best to make your time worthwhile.

Regretful greetings



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verry sorry for you😢.

if you are afraid of being bored this weekend, there is one option… team pololove from st.gallen is still looking for a flinta player at the swiss champs in la-tour-de-peliz, near lausanne.

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Hello Polo Friends,

We have exciting news! After much consideration, we have decided on an alternative date for the tournament. It will now take place on the 28th and 29th of September.

Important Updates:

  • Confirmed Players: Everyone who was on the player list when we canceled still has a spot. Please let us know if you have time and plan on coming.
  • Unavailable Players: If you can’t make it on the new dates, you will receive your registration fee back asap. This also applies to anyone who doesn’t get back to us in a timely manner. Their spots will be given to others.
  • New Registrations: Any remaining spots will be given to interested players on a first-come, first-served basis.

Event Conflicts: We are aware that there are two other events happening the same weekend in Switzerland and France respectively. We believe the actual overlap is very small. But if you had plans to attend one of those events, please do so and don’t come to Dresden. We do not want to take players away from those tournaments.

We are still very much committed to making this a great, inclusive, safe, and enjoyable event for all participants.

Dresden is eagerly awaiting your arrival in September!

Cheers, Oliver and the Dresden Crew


i’m still interested!

okay, we finally got the confirmation by the city that we can have the court officially on those days.

with that, here the current list of players that said they want to play. From now on it’s just gonna be first come first serves, just write me if you want to play.

player list:

Name City
Emilio Berlin
Richie Leipzig
Frieda Berlin
Maus Vienna
Christina Berlin
Petra Gießen
Basti Gießen
Asia Gdansk
Agata Gdansk
Teppich Berlin
Hans Leipzig
Malte Leipzig
Mariagiovanna Berlin
Filippa Leipzig
Ernestine Leipzig
Luise Leipzig
Christiane Leipzig/Nürnberg
Pink Polo Princess Berlin
Daniel Prague
Frix Hannover, Lemgo, Bielefeld
Manu Gießen
Bobo Berlin
Ben Magdeburg
KatSha Leipzig
Christian Berlin
Kevin Bielefeld
Apostolos Berlin/Athens
Hartmut Berlin
Artur Gdansk
Marcel Mainzspitze
Äri vienna
George Bristol/London/Berlin
Aljoscha Lehsten/Berlin/Hamburg
Mauri Gießen
Klaus München/Berlin
Leon Berlin
Lenny Leipzig
Emil Dresden
Michi Berlin


Name City
- -

if i made a mistake or forgot someone, please let me know

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would love to join you in Dresden. where/who should I write for the anmeldung?


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