Hyperlinked ruleset

Hey buglets,

My main idea for this forum is to use it as following: copy pasting both rule sets back to back, each section and paragraph and hyperlinking with a video or gif each rules that needs it.

Lets try an exemple

§7.3 – Interference

  • §7.3.1 - A player who is not in possession of the ball is entitled to attempt a fair play on the ball or ball carrier and is entitled to free and open movement on the court to gain an offensive or defensive position.

  • §7.3.2 – A Bike Interference penalty is assessed when a player who is not in possession of the ball actively impedes the movement of an opposing player who is not in possession of the ball.

    • § – This movement is referred to as ‘screening’ or ‘picking’ and is defined as using bike movement and position to abruptly and/or continuously block an opponent from taking a direct line to a loose ball, challenge the player in possession of the ball, or gain a defensive or offensive position on the court.
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Is the huge amount if video / gif will saturate users browsers ?

Nah, it’s fine. I think this is a pretty cool system.