Luta Cup vol.1 Gdansk

Bez nazwy-4

Name : Luta Cup vol.1
City : Gdańsk
Country : Poland
Date : 15 & 16 June 2024

Registration open until 14.04.2024:

Lottery 15.04.2024

:red_circle: IMPORTANT INFO :red_circle:

:page_facing_up: FORMAT :page_facing_up: The tournament is organized in the ABC format, with fixed teams for the entire weekend. The teams will be drawn by 3City Bike Polo.

:round_pushpin: LOCATION :round_pushpin: : The court will be built on an old multifunctional asphalt, so expect rough surface with great friction, even in case it rains (we pray it won’t).

The address is ul. Piotra Michałowskiego 50, Google Maps pin: The place is on the verge of the Tricity Landscape park, there is a shop and a bakery nearby. It’s just around 15 minutes by polobike from the Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz train station. If you travel by plane there it’s even closer suburban railway station Gdańsk Strzyża. There is free of charge parking area next to the court too.

We tried hard to keep the size of the court according to EHBA rules, but in the end the longest side will be 33 metres, which means it will be slightly smaller than it should be. It’s our first outdoor tournament, next time we’ll improve!

:sleeping_bed: ACCOMMODATION :sleeping_bed: : Some of 3cbp players can host some polo players on a couch or on the floor. If you’re happy with such conditions, please drop us an email at, and we’ll try to arrange something for you. Otherwise, you can search for a hostel nearby the field – there is plenty to choose from.

:plate_with_cutlery: FOOD :plate_with_cutlery: : Local “Food not bombs” group will prepare something to eat for us. Additionally, in the vicinity you’ll find:

  • Żabka – a small shop with refreshments, drinks, alcohol and coffee open till late in the evening

  • A great local bakery that’s named Parisian (Paryska), but mysteriously doesn’t sell croissants or French breads

  • Lewiatan - a local “oldschool” supermarket

:champagne: DRINKING :champagne: : For our foreign visitors: please note that drinking in public is prohibited in Poland and might be fined if discovered by a policeman. Yes, beer counts as drinking, too :(

:parachute: SIDE ACTIVITIES :parachute: :

  1. :biking_man:Alleycat: For those of you who will already be there on Friday, we will prepare a small race (there will be a separate category for polobikes)
  2. :star_struck:Afterparties: on Friday and Saturday night we will organize bonfires and afterparties
  3. :boom:Pick-up court – last but not least – we have enough space to add a small pick-up court, so that your muscle won’t cool down in between the games.

:thinking:WHY IS IT 3CITY INSTEAD OF GDAŃSK?:thinking:

Tricity consists of Gdańsk, Sopot and Gdynia - we have players from all the cities. That’s why it’s 3 city bike polo :slightly_smiling_face:


Gdansk is on the MAP!! Nice one <3333


Field reserved, pallets ordered, registration forms ready. :clipboard:
We’re waiting for you in Gdańsk on a beautiful pitch by the forest! :deciduous_tree::evergreen_tree:

Register by 14.04.2024, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at or here. :love_letter:

Form PL: :poland:
Form EN: :uk:


Updated registration deadline and lottery!!


Any new from the lottery?


We never imagined how hard organizing a simple polo lottery could be. Accepting entries was easy and enjoyable, but having to exclude some participants turned out to be truly heartbreaking.

Nonetheless, we’ve now completed the list using an online list randomizer. You will soon receive an email regarding either the payment process or your status on the waitlist.

A huge thank you to everyone who registered – we are thrilled to see such enthusiasm for playing polo in Gdańsk! :heart:

Without further ado:


1 Kosik
2 Pat
3 Asia Jóźwiak
4 Tomasz Ptak
5 Artur Szczepanek
6 Ewa Kiełsznia
7 Tomasz Łutowicz
8 wanda gazela
9 Bartosz
10 Aga
11 Sandra Nowak
12 Mania
13 Ewe
14 MatiSzczati

15 Levin
16 Aldo
17 Marcin Hareza
18 Aislan
19 Laura
20 Nyals
21 George
22 Turbo
23 adesemmy
24 Chris
25 Michał Komorowski
26 Andy
27 emilio
28 Konrad Kulwicki
29 Gedas
30 Hakan
31 Olli
32 Konrad Turaj
33 Filip Bochno
34 Maciej Olejniczak
35 Joner
36 Chrust
37 Marjan Iskrzycki
38 Mateusz Rudnicki
39 Kuba // Kryzys
40 Kim
41 Bobo
42 Bartosz Podsiadły

1 Jan Syrzycki
2 Wowa
3 LeftyPaul
4 Szymon Furmaniak
5 Nine
6 Robert
7 Patryk Biegalski
8 Paweł Godziuk
9 Raphi
10 Mattia Bassi
11 Franky
12 Maciej / shroomcycles
13 Kępa


You made my day! :slight_smile:

Could you share the court’s location?


Wygląda jakby rezerwowa byla zapelniona po kolejnosci zgloszeń, nie chcielibyście może losować z listy rezerwowej? :wink:

Location is drawn in the updated event description :)


Lista rezerwowa też była losowana z randomizera, nie ma nic wspólnego z kolejnością zgłoszeń. Cały czas myślimy, jak tu jednak zmieścić wszystkich - na pewno więcej się okaże 5 maja, kiedy mija termin zgłoszeń. Może jeszcze się uda!


First tournament but top professional as I see. Good job!
Can’t wait to play in Gdańsk :]



A small update on the player list: we find it hard to turn people away. :upside_down_face: That’s why we’ve increased the number of teams to 16 :heart_eyes_cat:. This means instead of 42 people we can now accommodate 48 – but this is definitely, 100% the maximum!

We will send emails today to 6 people from the waiting list who have made it into the tournament. We are waiting for further payments until May 12 – after this date, we will see how the list shapes up.

PS. Next to the field, there will be a small pickup court – it’s worth coming by anyway, there will be a lot of playing!

The current list:

1 Kosik Gdańsk
2 Pat Gdańsk
3 Asia Jóźwiak Gdańsk
4 Ptaku Gdańsk
5 Artur Szczepanek Gdańsk
6 Ewa Kiełsznia Gdańsk
7 Tomasz Łutowicz Gdańsk
8 wanda gazela gdańsk
9 Bartosz Gdańsk
10 Aga Gdańsk
11 Sandra Nowak Gdynia
12 Mania Gdańsk
13 Levin Halle
14 Ewe Gdansk
15 MatiSzczati Gdańsk
16 Aldo Zielona Góra
17 Aislan The Netherlands
18 Nyals Halle
19 George Berlin
20 Turbo Warsaw
21 adesemmy lagos
22 Chris Leipzig
23 Michał Komorowski Wrocław
24 Andy Bueppel
25 emilio Berlin
26 Konrad Kulwicki Wrocław
27 Gedas Vilnius
28 Hakan Leipzig
29 Konrad Turaj Kraków
30 Filip Bochno Zielona góra
31 Maciej Olejniczak Kraków
32 Joner Leipzig
33 Chrust Wrocław
34 Marjan Iskrzycki Warszawa
35 Mateusz Rudnicki Kraków
36 Kuba // Kryzys Wiedeń /Gorzów
37 Kim Berlin
38 Bobo Berlin
39 Bartosz Podsiadły Lublin
40 Jan Syrzycki Warszawa
41 Wowa Warszawa
42 Szymon Furmaniak Lublin
43 Nine Büppel
44 Robert Halle
45 Patryk Biegalski Garbów
46 Paweł Godziuk Warszawa/Utrecht
47 Raphi Vienna
48 Mattia Bassi London

Waiting list:

49 Franky Büppel
50 Maciej / shroomcycles Wrocław
51 Kępa Wrocław
52 Miłosz Wójciuk Lublin
53 Jarek Jakubowski Warszawa

looking at connections now. what time will it start (I have to be) on saturday and ends on sunday?

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Saturday: start around 08:00 AM
Sunday: finish around 04:00 PM
You can assume that the games will start very early on Saturday, we have lots of games to play. It’s better to arrive on Friday evening, unwind, and get a good sleep. We plan to start at 08:00 AM on Saturday.
Regarding Sunday: it depends on how many games we will have to play more to finish the Saturday schedule. We still have to dismantle the court on Sunday and clean everything, so we cannot finish later than around 4/5 PM.


BIG AND AWESOME NEWS is that I’ve just booked tickets for a direct train for friday and monday. <3


Awesome! Now it’s only boarding left :smiley: Especially the one on Friday :heart:

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sorry for the off-topics here. making a movement in the topic, so more people get their travel itinerary already figured out, hehe.
yup, boarding a train and then help working on (court) boards/walls on friday too. ;)
couldn’t resist coming to Gdansk. I feel a little like one of many godparents of this tournament for the pushing and mocking you to organise something since a long time. :black_heart: and happy to see some old faces playing together too. yummy yummy. :yum:


Sponsor updates&other stuff here:LUTA CUP bike polo tournament


more info here TBA


Alleyat: LutaCat
Afterparty: Bike Polo after X 3CITY BIKE POLO