Mallet Dolorosa Vol.11 - FLINTA* Tournament

More Information coming soon.


Happy New Year everyone!
MD2024 will be a ranked ABC single player tournament for WTNB players only (WTNB=women*, trans, gender nonbinary). Teams will change in each round, up to the final.

The registration is now open!
Until 22:00 February 17th you can register. The tournament is open for 42 players. If more registered, we‘ll have a lottery on the next day February 18th (time to be announced). The organisers of the tournament are already set and Berlin players have two lives in the Lottery.

We will ask you for a self evaluation for the ranking. This is an objective ranking, not a universal ranking. Please read the additional info to (almost) every question for a better understanding to what the numbers mean.
We understand that it’s sometimes it’s hard to evaluate yourself. That’s why we’ll give you the questions in advance so you can check with your club mates if needed (see below).

You can find the registration here: Registration Mallet Dolorosa 2024

3,2,1 - registration!

Here are the questions you will be asked:

  • Confidence in competitive games: On a scale from 1-10, how confident do you feel in competitive games? With 1=“very nervous, even at pick-ups” and 10=“the European Championship of Bike Polo is more relaxing than Netflix”
  • Passing: On a scale from 1-10, how would you describe your passing skills? (For example: if you pass 10 times at your teammate and the ball gets there 5 times, you‘re a 5)
  • Goal shooting: On a scale from 1-10, how would you rank your goal shooting skills? (For example: if you shoot 10 times at the goal and 5 balls go in, you‘re a 5)
  • Goal keeping: On a scale from 1-10, how good is your goal keeping? (For example: if you’re in goal and get shot at 10 times and you keep 5 balls from getting in the goal, you‘re a 5)
  • Defense: How would you describe your defensive skills? with 1=“getting better every day” and 10=“I know where to go/be and I can easily defuse/defend most attacks”
  • Bike handling: includes being in control of the bike at all times, not to dab during the game and being able to change direction quickly. With 1 =“I sometimes lose control over my bike, I often dab in a game and I can’t turn quickly” and 10=“I hardly ever dab during the game or fall, can turn quickly”
  • Rules: How well do you know the rules? With 1=“There are rules?” and 10=“I read them before bed every night”

Looking forward to see you again!


Goooooood morning!!

I’ve just drawn the players for MD24. For those of you who are in, you will soon receive an email with all the information you need. Just wait a bit.

You can watch the lottery video here:

Below are the names inside:

Gabriela Berlin
Gitti Berlin
Alisson Berlin
Christina Berlin
Rita Berlin
Lishka Berlin
Frieda Berlin
MG Berlin
Kim Berlin
Julia Berlin
Lisa Berlin
Ladina Bern
Schlotti Vienna
Louise Marseille
Friederike Bourdeaux
Asia GdaƄsk
Rita Bern
Daniela Brno
Johanna Frankfurt
Marine Bourdeaux
Lucy Mitchell Bristol
Apostolos Berlin
Nathalie Wenger Geneva
Maryse Berlin
Agata GdaƄsk
EliĆĄka Prague
Luise Leipzig
Anna Gießen
Christiane Leipzig
Kathrin Gießen
Hannah Richardson Sheffield
Ioana Vienna
Nele Leipzig
Ewa GdaƄsk
Ana Vienna
Salomé Brussels
Laura London
Jules Berlin
Katja Leipzig
Svenja Halle
Teppich Berlin
Marika Cardiff

Below the waiting list:

Romana Berlin
Annick Wien
Clémence Rouen
Lara Geneva
CĂ©leste Bordeaux
Judith Hamburg
Kim-Lea Berlin
Izi Leipzig
Omayra Vienna
Mironova Geneva
Filippa Leipzig
Larissa Vienna
Eva Dresden
Jovina Vienna
Kat Pearson Birmingham (UK)
Johanna Vienna
Clara Bern
Emi Lille
Natalie Luk Sheffield
Nine Thiele Varel
Shaki Vienna
Alicja GdaƄsk
Astrid Vienna
Clemence Blondiaux Bordeuax
Petra Gießen
Paula Halle
Vazzi Brussels

Congratulations to everyone and looking forward to see you!

Love, peace and polo!


Hello !
We already have 73 FLINTA who answered but i am pretty sure we can have more.
Please consider sharing it again to other players who might not be on telegram or poloverse. They may not feel involved right now but this is important to share the info at least to the concerned players and have their/our opinions gathered.


I want to share results soon ( this week )



Important announcement

Hello dear bike polo players,
We’re writing to inform all the registered entrants that we’re making a change to the tournament this year.

Unfortunately, we made a mistake with the lottery and two names were left out. And so, after a lot of discussion between the organizers on how to solve this problem, we came to a conclusion: This year, we’re expanding Mallet Dolorosa from 42 players to 48 players. The two players who were left out of the lottery and the first 4 players on the waitlist are now in. The length of the games will stay the same, we’ll just need to make sure we run the schedule on time.

We’re really sorry about our mistake, but excited that we can expand the tournament to include more players!

Love, peace and polo!

Here is the updated list of players and the waitlist:

1 Gabriela Berlin
2 Gitti Berlin
3 Alisson Berlin
4 Christina Berlin
5 Rita Berlin
6 Lishka Berlin
7 Frieda Berlin
8 MG Berlin
9 Kim Berlin
10 Julia Berlin
11 Lisa Berlin
12 Ladina Bern
13 Schlotti Vienna
14 Louise Marseille
15 Friederike Bourdeaux
16 Asia GdaƄsk
17 Rita Bern
18 Daniela Brno
19 Johanna Frankfurt
20 Marine Bourdeaux
21 Lucy Mitchell Bristol
22 Apostolos Berlin
23 Nathalie Wenger Geneva
24 Maryse Berlin
25 Agata GdaƄsk
26 EliĆĄka Prague
27 Luise Leipzig
28 Anna Gießen
29 Christiane Leipzig
30 Kathrin Gießen
31 Hannah Richardson Sheffield
32 Ioana Vienna
33 Nele Leipzig
34 Ewa GdaƄsk
35 Ana Vienna
36 Salomé Brussels
37 Laura London
38 Jules Berlin
39 Katja Leipzig
40 Svenja Halle
41 Teppich Berlin
42 Marika Cardiff
43 Erni Leipzig
44 SalomĂ© ZĂŒrich
45 Romana Berlin
46 Annick Wien
47 Clémence Rouen
48 Lara Geneva

And the waitinglist:

1 CĂ©leste Bordeaux
2 Judith Hamburg
3 Kim-Lea Berlin
4 Izi Leipzig
5 Omayra Vienna
6 Mironova Geneva
7 Filippa Leipzig
8 Larissa Vienna
9 Eva Dresden
10 Jovina Vienna
11 Kat Pearson Birmingham (UK)
12 Johanna Vienna
13 Clara Bern
14 Emi Lille
15 Natalie Luk Sheffield
16 Nine Thiele Varel
17 Shaki Vienna
18 Alicja GdaƄsk
19 Astrid Vienna
20 Clemence Blondiaux Bordeuax
21 Petra Gießen
22 Paula Halle
23 Vazzi Brussels
24 Raphaelle Devismes Montpellier

The email with all important infos was send it to the players that are in! Let me know if you do not receive it. Please, check your spam!

thank youu!


hey i can’t find the mail, can you send it again please or reach me over telegram?:)

I sent to you by message here. :)


Don’t forget to pay you fee! A lot of players didn’t pay yet. Your place is only guaranteed if you pay the fee!

thank youu

:boom: Morgeeeeen!!! :boom:

We have the list of players for mallet dolorosa 2024! If something change and you are not coming anymore, please let me know ASAP! :slight_smile:
Close to the date you will receive more informations by email. Keep your eyes open and let me know if you didn’t receive anything.

1 Gabriela Berlin
2 Gitti Berlin
3 Alisson Berlin
4 Christina Berlin
5 Rita Berlin
6 Lishka Berlin
7 Frieda Berlin
8 MG Berlin
9 Kim Berlin
10 Julia Berlin
11 Lisa Berlin
12 Ladina Bern
13 Schlotti Vienna
14 Friederike Bourdeaux
15 Asia GdaƄsk
16 Rita Bern
17 Daniela Brno
18 Johanna Frankfurt
19 Marine Bourdeaux
20 Apostolos Berlin
21 Nathalie Wenger Geneva
22 Maryse Berlin
23 Agata GdaƄsk
24 EliĆĄka Prague
25 Luise Leipzig
26 Anna Gießen
27 Christiane Leipzig
28 Nele Leipzig
29 Ewa GdaƄsk
30 Ana Vienna
31 Salomé Brussels
32 Laura London
33 Jules Berlin
34 Katja Leipzig
35 Svenja Halle
36 Teppich Berlin
37 Erni Leipzig
38 Romana Berlin
39 Annick Wien
40 Lara Geneva
41 CĂ©leste Bordeaux
42 Judith Hamburg
43 Izi Leipzig
44 Omayra Vienna
45 Filippa Leipzig
46 Larissa Vienna
47 Eva Dresden
48 Jovina Vienna

And here is the waiting list:

11 Kat Pearson Birmingham (UK)
12 Johanna Vienna
13 Clara Bern
14 Emi Lille
15 Natalie Luk Sheffield
16 Nine Thiele Varel
17 Shaki Vienna
18 Alicja GdaƄsk
19 Astrid Vienna
20 Clemence Blondiaux Bordeuax
21 Petra Gießen
22 Paula Halle
23 Vazzi Brussels
24 Raphaelle Devismes Montpellier
42 Marika Cardiff

uhuuuu!! I am very exciting to see you all! :zap:

goooood morning polo people! :rainbow:
Hope you are all doing well! :butterfly:

Unfortunately two players had to give up playing. Fortunately this opened up two vacancies and the players on the waiting list have already been contacted.

:boom:This is the new list of players and the new waiting list: :boom:

1 Gabriela Berlin
2 Gitti Berlin
3 Alisson Berlin
4 Christina Berlin
5 Rita Berlin
6 Lishka Berlin
7 Frieda Berlin
8 MG Berlin
9 Kim Berlin
10 Julia Berlin
11 Lisa Berlin
12 Shaki Vienna
13 Schlotti Vienna
14 Friederike Bourdeaux
15 Asia GdaƄsk
16 Rita Bern
17 Daniela Brno
18 Johanna Frankfurt
19 Marine Bourdeaux
20 Apostolos Berlin
21 Nathalie Wenger Geneva
22 Maryse Berlin
23 Agata GdaƄsk
24 EliĆĄka Prague
25 Luise Leipzig
26 Anna Gießen
27 Christiane Leipzig
28 Emi Lille
29 Ewa GdaƄsk
30 Ana Vienna
31 Salomé Brussels
32 Laura London
33 Jules Berlin
34 Katja Leipzig
35 Svenja Halle
36 Teppich Berlin
37 Erni Leipzig
38 Romana Berlin
39 Annick Wien
40 Lara Geneva
41 CĂ©leste Bordeaux
42 Judith Hamburg
43 Izi Leipzig
44 Omayra Vienna
45 Filippa Leipzig
46 Larissa Vienna
47 Eva Dresden
48 Jovina Vienna
18 Alicja GdaƄsk
19 Astrid Vienna
20 Clemence Blondiaux Bordeuax
21 Petra Gießen
22 Paula Halle
23 Vazzi Brussels
24 Raphaelle Devismes Montpellier
25 Marika Cardiff

As we get closer to the tournament, we’ll release the list of groups A, B and C! Stay tuned. :eye: :eye:

uhuuuu loooooooking forward to see you all! :sparkling_heart:

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Heeey! Pay attention on your email, I am calling people from waiting list!! :slight_smile:


Goood evening! :sparkles:

I just sent a very important email with very important informations and a document that you have to read. :eyes: If you didn’t receive it, please let me know!

Loooooooking forward for the next weekend. I am very very excited! Uhuuuuu :sparkling_heart: