Margarita Mixed - Vol. 2 / July 8th & 9th, 2024 - Bern Marzili Beach

Woooo all dreams always come true


Free agent

Free agent as well

Free agent :biking_woman:t4:

Free agent as well!
I really want to play :woman_cartwheeling:


Salome is not only a great teammate but, is also one of the organisers behind the two events :muscle: Pick her up!


free agent too <3 (anne lise from bordeaux)


free agent whoop whoop
will be there for hells bells and thought of staying longer anyways :) <3

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Free agent! No one in Europe knows me but I’m generally having the most fun on the court!


No updates on the waiting list, I assume? :cry:

An email to team captains has been sent , please check inbox /junk


There has been a slight change, as PoloschnÀggli will take the fourth Bern spot. But other than that no news.

Bern Slots

  1. Tba - Rita (Bern / Basel), Reto (Bern), Michu (Bern)
  2. Luxus - zita (zh), clara (marzili beach), chrigu (marzili beach)
  3. Tiptopf - Romain (Bern), Clément (Bern), Luce (Bern)
  4. PoloschnĂ€ggli - Ladina (Bern), Andri (ZĂŒri), Mario (Bern)

Lottery Winners (in no particular order)

  1. Los kolobri del mundo - Momo (Bln), Kim (Bln), Lette (Bln)
  2. Montpellier heat - Jason (Mtp), Cal (Mtp), Raf (Mtp)
  3. TBA - Phil (Roma), Tommy (Milano), Lishka (Berlin)
  4. Pick up Truck - Rita (Berlin), Sepp (Gaimersheim), Nico (Ingolstadt)
  5. Aalstrong - Eliska (Prague), Robert (Hamburg), Max (Rouen)
  6. P’titQuartChill - Bulle (Brussels), Quentin (Nantes), Baptiste (Brussels)
  7. Capybarra - Johanna Lemm (Frankfurt), Piksou (Bruxelles), Quentin Bouchard (Lyon)
  8. Lizards - August (Gaimersheim ), Morgan (Lyon ), Lisa (Berlin)
  9. hemmige - quimey (valencia), martin (paris), remy (kollnau)
  10. Long Distance Call - Emmet (Bern), Manu (New York), Dev (Boston)
  11. maybe yes - Frieda (Berlin), Kat (Birmingham), Emilio (Berlin)
  12. Electric Coriander Colada - Jovina (Vienna), Georg (Vienna), Conny (Vienna)

Waiting List (in order)

  1. watch me dance - celeste (rouen), aljoscha (berlin), gitti la mar (berlin)
  2. shiny rookies - Ella (Lausanne), Théo (Lausanne), tba (tba)
  3. TBA2 - Mateen (Vienna), Elena (Geneva), Manuel (Geneva)
  4. Rose - Katy (Köln), Kevin (Bielefeld ), Miguel (Frankfurt am Main
  5. Extra Toppings - Anne Lise (Bordeaux), Cody (geneve), Woods (Geneve)
  6. Little Shetland - Joel (Bex), Ali (Bex), Nathalie (Bex / Geneva)
  7. Enorm in Form - Enorm in Form (Halle), TBA (TBA), Julius (Halle)
  8. DieMietenSindZuHoch - Manu (Giessen), Petra (Gießen), Mauri (Gieszen)
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Free agent, male.

Free agent <3
mucho motivated rookie flinta player from Lausanne!


I’ll be in Bern 7–10 July anyway, if anybody needs a solid goalie as a sub

@ladidapolo @Clara @LaPassoire please count me in for the housing :pray:


I’ll be in town for Hell’s Belles anyways, so I’ll be a free agent if anyone wants to pick up a fast, new, flinta player!

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Freedom Agent

take me


Take him

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aaah je suis still freedom agente too :zzz:


There’s a zillon of us free agent but Free Ageeeeeent !!!
Also, is there any way to get housed if we are not player ? :grin: