Margarita Mixed - Vol. 2 / July 8th & 9th, 2024 - Bern Marzili Beach

Name: Margarita Mixed - Vol. 2

Dates: Monday 8th of July 2024 until Tuesday 9th

Location: Bern Fabrikgarten (Marzili Beach)

Format: 3vs3

Description: 16 mixed teams

Registration is open!

Please fill in this form : Margarita Mixed 2 - Registration Form

16 mixed teams, 5 swiss rounds on Monday, double elimination on Tuesday
4 slots are reserved for teams from Bern (at least 2/3 of the players)
1 extra live in the lottery if team has a Bern player
1 extra live in the lottery if team has 2 flintas
We will host you all!
Registration fee : 30.- CHF


Bern Slots

  1. Marzili Stoner - Rachel (Boston), Reto (Bern), Michu (Bern)
  2. Luxus - zita (zh), clara (marzili beach), chrigu (marzili beach)
  3. Tiptopf - Romain (Bern), Clément (Bern), Luce (Bern)
  4. Poloschnäggli - Ladina (Bern), Andri (Züri), Mario (Bern)

Lottery Winners (in no particular order)

  1. Los kolobri del mundo - Momo (Bln), Kim (Bln), Lette (Bln)
  2. Montpellier heat - Jason (Mtp), Cal (Mtp), Raf (Mtp)
  3. Rattlesnake - Phil (Roma), Tommy (Milano), Lishka (Berlin)
  4. Pick up Truck - Rita (Berlin), Sepp (Gaimersheim), Nico (Ingolstadt)
  5. Aalstrong - Eliska (Prague), Robert (Hamburg), Max (Rouen)
  6. P’titQuartChill - Bulle (Brussels), Quentin (Nantes), Baptiste (Brussels)
  7. Capybarra - Johanna Lemm (Frankfurt), Piksou (Bruxelles), Quentin Bouchard (Lyon)
  8. Lizards - August (Gaimersheim ), Morgan (Lyon ), Lisa (Berlin)
  9. Hemmige - Quimey (valencia), Martin (paris), Remy (kollnau)
  10. Long Distance Call - Emmet (Bern), Manu (New York), Dev (Boston)
  11. maybe yes - Frieda (Berlin), Kat (Birmingham), Emilio (Berlin)
  12. Electric Coriander Colada - Jovina (Vienna), Tony (Berlin), Woods (Genf)

Waiting List (in order)

  1. watch me dance - celeste (rouen), aljoscha (berlin), gitti la mar (berlin)
  2. shiny rookies - Ella (Lausanne), Théo (Lausanne), tba (tba)
  3. TBA2 - Mateen (Vienna), Elena (Geneva), Manuel (Geneva)
  4. Rose - Katy (Köln), Kevin (Bielefeld ), Miguel (Frankfurt am Main
  5. Extra Toppings - Anne Lise (Bordeaux), Cody (geneve), Woods (Geneve)
  6. Little Shetland - Joel (Bex), Ali (Bex), Nathalie (Bex / Geneva)
  7. Enorm in Form - Enorm in Form (Halle), TBA (TBA), Julius (Halle)
  8. DieMietenSindZuHoch - Manu (Giessen), Petra (GieĂźen), Mauri (Gieszen)

Monday to Tuesday?
Is that some national special day in switzerland?


nope it’s right before berlin mixed so you can get in form if you’re lucky to get into both tournaments:) pro tip: stick with your team


Which form? Im refreshing every 3sec and i dont see any registration form to get into


anybody up for building a team? free agent with 100 years bikepolo experience


shapeshapeshape du aff


Registration is open! Link & info in 1st post!


Its gonna be bern only…

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Omg I wish gitti! :relaxed:

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Free agent :blush:

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Hey, Maeva finally retracted to play with the shiny rookies soooorry! Then, still in search of a free agent
thanks :slight_smile:

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ähm was this an yes? sry i missed it and builded up some team now. next time

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PSA: The draws for both the mixed and Hell’s Belles will happen tomorrow (Friday) at 17:30. Thank you for your patience and best of luck to all the teams that registered.

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Join us on instagram live for the draw at 17:35!

Free Agent :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::cry:

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Can we have the team list please?!

For those of you that tried to follow the draw live, apologies for the technical issues :nerd_face: but the draw itself went ahead fine - here are the results! :sunglasses:

Bern Slots

  1. Tba - Rita (Bern / Basel), Reto (Bern), Michu (Bern)

  2. Luxus - zita (zh), clara (marzili beach), chrigu (marzili beach)

  3. D’bärnerbärli - Romain (Bern), Clément (Bern), Luce (Bern)

  4. Bern 4 - tba

Lottery Winners (in no particular order)

  1. Los kolobri del mundo - Momo (Bln), Kim (Bln), Lette (Bln)

  2. Montpellier heat - Jason (Mtp), Cal (Mtp), Raf (Mtp)

  3. TBA - Phil (Roma), Tommy (Milano), Lishka (Berlin)

  4. Pick up Truck - Rita (Berlin), Sepp (Gaimersheim), Levin (Halle)

  5. Aalstrong - Nele (Leipzig), Robert (Hamburg), Tba (Tba)

  6. P’titQuartChill - Bulle (Brussels), Quentin (Nantes), Baptiste (Brussels)

  7. Capybarra - Johanna Lemm (Frankfurt), Piksou (Bruxelles), Quentin Bouchard (Lyon)

  8. Lizards - August (Gaimersheim ), Morgan (Lyon ), Lisa (Berlin)

  9. hemmige - quimey (valencia), martin (paris), remy (kollnau)

  10. Long Distance Call - Emmet (Bern), Manu (New York), Patti (Toronto)

  11. maybe yes - Frieda (Berlin), Kat (Birmingham), Emilio (Berlin)

  12. Electric Coriander Colada - Jovina (Vienna), Georg (TBA), TBA (TBA)

Waiting List (in order)

  1. watch me dance - celeste (rouen), aljoscha (berlin), gitti la mar (berlin)

  2. shiny rookies - Ella (Lausanne), Théo (Lausanne), tba (tba)

  3. TBA2 - Mateen (Vienna), Elena (Geneva), Manuel (Geneva)

  4. Poloschnäggli - Ladina (Bern), Andri (Züri), Mario (Bern)

  5. Rose - Katy (Köln), Kevin (Bielefeld ), Miguel (Frankfurt am Main

  6. Extra Toppings - Anne Lise (Bordeaux), Cody (geneve), Woods (Geneve)

  7. Little Shetland - Joel (Bex), Ali (Bex), Nathalie (Bex / Geneva)

  8. Enorm in Form - Enorm in Form (Halle), Dev (Boston), Julius (Halle)

  9. DieMietenSindZuHoch - Manu (Giessen), Petra (GieĂźen), Mauri (Gieszen)

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damn I totally missed the registration opening :sob:

I’ll probably get there anyway… free agent!

Free agent too

My team ended up almost last on the waiting list :broken_heart: Free Agent.