Melted Madness Tournament in Vienna - 22./23.6. - queering polo

Dear bike polo family!

Are you ready for some melted madness? Bike Polo Vienna wants to queer polo with you <3

We are happy to announce a tournament on the weekend 22. & 23.6. at our new city court at the Schmelz! June is Pride Month, so we especially encourage all the queers, trans, non-binary, agender, intersex folks to register. We want to create a safer space in a competitive tournament and will plan some nice activities around the tournament.

We will probably be able to host all of you and can keep registration fee quite low, as a huge part of the event will be funded by the City of Vienna.

More informations to all of this:
We will ask you for a registration fee from 10-30€ per player. 10€ is the minimum to be able to provide breakfast and snacks, if you can pay more you are supporting Bikepolo Vienna Club <3

Registration opens 30.03. at 16:10 and closes 30.04. at 13:12. There will be 16 teams in total.

We have some questions for you and will turn them into something beautiful
for every team, so please carefully answer them. Keep in mind that
you need to have a team name and no TBA’s!

We do love Bike Polo because it is a team sport and because of our community and we want to celebrate that. We encourage you to celebrate your team as well, so get into the communication with each other and share some fun facts about yourselves!
Also, if you want to offer something like a workshop or side activity (polo or not polo related), let us know.

:heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :brown_heart: :black_heart: :dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy: REGISTRATION :dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy: :black_heart: :brown_heart: :purple_heart: :blue_heart: :green_heart: :yellow_heart: :orange_heart: :heart:

It works like this:
Get a team! Find a team name.
Check the questions before and collect your answers, then assign one person to fill out the registration form. Might take you a few minutes to do that then, sorry! :D (not sorry)
Take a picture together or make a photoshop collage with your team and upload it!
Wait for the lottery on the 1st of may.

Priority to trans, non-binary, agender, intersex, female, lesbian players!

Means there will be 4 different pots in the lottery, all flinta* teams will be drawn first, all cis-male teams will be drawn last.

6 slots will be for Vienna teams, 3/3 from Vienna and same pot procedure.

To an amazing weekend with lots of polo love <3


1.  Versagen 2.0 - Raphi, Larissa, Georg
2.  OUT OF GENDER - Johanna, Mischa, Shaki
3.  TBA - Jenn, Annick, Stefan
4.  Lewoprawo - Kuba, Joanna, Frie
5.  Glamorous Damage - Lishka, Rita (Berlin), Omayra (Vienna)
6.  SALT - Flo, Levin, robin (Halle)
7.  Human Sushi - Tina, Peter (Vienna), Jonas (Graz)
8.  Hakuna Matata - No Mercy - Lea, Max, Simon (Graz)
9.  Mellowdramallets - Clara (Bern), Ellou (Lausanne), Ă„ri (Vienna)
10. tba - Clement (Bern), riley (prague), Jovina (Vienna)
11. Welded b*Witches - Trinidad (Quito-Madrid), Io, Astrid (Vienna)
12. Kool kids polo klubb - Zita, Salome (ZĂĽrich), Mario (Lausanne)
13. FLOWER CRIME - Conny, Schlotti (Vienna), Jules (Berlin)
14. golem - Alca, Kyncl, Jirka (prague)
15. tba - Hansi, Andi (linz), Paul (Vienna)
16. Northern Lights - Madej, Pajac, Allison


:heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :brown_heart: :black_heart: :dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy: REGISTRATION :dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy: :black_heart: :brown_heart: :purple_heart: :blue_heart: :green_heart: :yellow_heart: :orange_heart: :heart:

registration is online!!


quick reminder: today is the last day to register!


When is lottery? Asking for a friend :lying_face:

hello people, please check if your team is on the list and send me a message if you registered, but don’t see your names here!

Vienna Spots

  1. Flower Crime - Raphi, Larissa, Georg
  2. OUT OF GENDER - Johanna, Mischa, Shaki
  3. TBA - Jenn, Annick, Stefan
  4. Lewoprawo - Kuba, Joanna, Frie

General Spots

  1. Glamorous Damage - Lishka, Rita (Berlin), Omayra (Vienna)
  2. Caigo - Paolo, Rufus, Alex (Venezia)
  3. Human Sushi - Tina, Peter (Vienna), Jonas (Graz)
  4. Hakuna Matta - No Mercy - Lea, Max, Simon (Graz)
  5. Mellowdramallets - Clara (Bern), Ellou (Lausanne), Ă„ri (Vienna)
  6. Lizards - Lisa (Berlin), Levin (Halle), Jovina (Vienna)
  7. Welded b*Witches - Trinidad (Quito-Madrid), Io, Astrid (Vienna)
  8. More Passion - Elena (Geneva), Frax (Prague), Mateen (Vienna)
  9. Kool kids polo klubb - Zita, Salome (ZĂĽrich), Mario (Lausanne)
  10. FLOWER CRIME - Conny, Schlotti (Vienna), Jules (Berlin)
  11. golem - alca, kyncl, jirka (prague)

Is this the draw?

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yes! all teams are in!
one more spot open, first come first serve.
you will get a mail with more information soon.


unfortunately team “More Passion” is out for this tournament.
We managed to get into Turino as well, which is on the same weekend and have decided to play in Turino.

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there is one spot open still :upside_down_face:

Anyone wants to build a team or is still looking for a teammate? Free Agent from Berlin :)


here the link to the tournament chat!

How are you melting? Hopefully, madly.

With all my respect to organizers and their schedule of information stream, I skip rudely a que.
Can we expect an info on housing anytime soon?
Our team raised a request, but specifically me will need to sort out a place to stay quite in advance. As I travel with my family, I will likely be quite picky in order to minimise our disturbance.
I am happy to book a private place by myself which is potentially less disruptive, too. I just do not want to miss some special offer, even though I may not accept it after all…
Vielen dank.

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sorry jirka!
i guess your mail got lost in the internet, cause we did not get any mails yet. if that is also the case for other teams, please get in touch with me here on poloverse!

We didn’t get any mails regarding housing!

Please write me if you need a place to stay! We can host everyone!

Update: we contacted everyone (or at least one per team) personally if I/we forgot you, please still write me

You should all have places to stay :)

Please connect with your hosts. If I forgot you or you don’t know or need anything regarding hosting please get in touch with me!

There is still plenty of space left


The tournament is coming, and we’re super excited! :tada: If you need anything, please reach out through the Telegram chat or Poloverse – the team there can help you quicker. 🫶 (If you’re already talking to someone, like me about hosting, you know who to reach out to!)

Here are the groups! Please on time for your games!


Teamheads got a mail regarding the registration fee!

We will provide vegan breakfast saturday and sunday. Food and drinks during the day you can get in the canteen or in the shops around. Be aware that sunday not everything is open.

(we are open for any kind of fun side activity from your side :))

19:00 TOUT LE MONDE AU CHALET memorial ride
starting point: velo peaches @Spitalgasse 3, 1090 Vienna

13-21h pick ups! @Auf der Schmelz 10, 1150 Vienna
Option to go to Critical Mass - naked bike ride
Starting 17:00 @Schwarzenbergplatz, 1030 Vienna

12:00 yoga inspired warm up (for afternoon group)
14:00 yoga inspired cool down (for morning group)
14:00-18:00 bike repairs by Radhaus
Pick ups til 21:00
Something afterwards!

14:00 Booster Club DJ-Set

  • private afterparty with food, ping pong, darts, karaoke, party <3

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask on poloverse or telegram: Telegram: Contact @BikePoloEU !
Pololove <3


Is there already a gameplan? Does the afternoon start at 13:00 or 14:00?
See you soon!

Gameplan is here:

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