Milk shaft machine screw size

what sized screw fits the Milk mallet?

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That’s a great question, ddub!
It turns out that the Milk mallets
use an M5 machine screw instead
of the M6 that’s popular with other companies. (the M5 is also used to secure cleats to clipless shoes)
Sorry for the slow reply!



POV: when you have to answer your own questions.

Thanks for enlightening us though

Haha :slight_smile:

Yes we use M5 screw (since 2011 to relativise the “instead” because back then M6 wasn’t particulary popular it was more a lot of DYI stuff).

If you have a good 3d printer you can use this custom “washer m5 to m6” that i quickly designed to prevent M5 screw to slip overtime into a M6 hole.

Don’t know if you need it but here it is:

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