Mobilizon : Alternative to FB event

(This is in development )Mobilizon is an alternative to FB event and decentralised

it can be interesting but people must move out of FB and it’s hard

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Hey! thanks for the input! what you have to understand though is that we have been asking around and trying to make this happen for like two years now.
It might not look like a lot, but just talking to each other, trying to hear the community’s opinion and so on, it took us forever and this is what we came up with.
So i think chances we will switch to something else soon are pretty slim

also what at least I realized in the process is that it’s not even so much about which software we are using - this one works just fine I think - but more how to get people to use it. we can use every little bit of help with that

Off course,
This suggestion wasn’t to replace discourse…

But I understand what you say