NON PRObutFIT (indoor)


we have a indoor court this winter. the size is about 30m * 15m.
We shuffle the teams when everybody is there.
maximum 30 people.
20.- CHF or Euro per person.
we look for housing and some food.
to register, please fill this document. →



Are dogs allowed in the space?

Yes. It is in a place where the cows stand at the annual fair. So it shouldnt be a problen

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Cool, I’ll register. I might need to bring my dog with me.


Is there a team list?

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Any updates on team lists, housing, etc?

I can only come on saturday to play for fun.
Is this OK?
And can i borrow a bike?

Give us some info. We have to get organized. :wink:

ok friends. I’m sorry to answer so late. we have 23 persons registered. housing will be in some friends places. the dog will be welcome as well. we will give you the exact infos this week until wednesday.

Since we are 8 and not 10 teams, my idea is to start a bit later than 9am on saturday.
if we want to open it for single day fun playing, i have to speak to the club. i know from 1 or 2 other person which could only come saturday.

I hope this is enough for the moment. we are really looking forward.


Hey Basil could we get the exact address?
Do you have a place to park a car around the area?

Hi Everyone.

if you registered you will get a email from stella tomorrow with all the nessecary info. a few pionts alredy here…

the exact adress is
Olma Halle 7, Sonnenstrasse 33-35, 9000 St. Gallen.
there is parking all around, but we have no free parking. its 1.- per hour in the parkgarage olma. the night and sunday you might find something free in the blue zone.

we dicided to open it for people who can only come on saturday. (or only sunday). (please write me here or via
as it seems we have 8 teams. maybe 9 on saturday.
We will start at 10am both days.
Phillipp, i think we find a bike for you. are you leftie-phil?

thank you all for your patience…, its the first time we organize this, and im slowly realizing, what it all needs.
just go on writing me, if something isnt clear.

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we reallized this evening, that we ran really short of balls. So if someone who comes to the tournament has a stock or has the possibility to sell us some balls, please contact me!!!

Maybe Cody can directly bring some MILK balls from Geneva for your club?

Super. I will talk to him. Thanks

thank you friends for coming.
For us it was an incredible weekend. We’ll post some pictures later.

Is somebody missing this spork?



Liebe Polo Community
Danke an alle, die Teil von “NON PRObutFIT” vom vergangenem Wochenende in St. Gallen waren. Durch euch, erfuhr das Turnier viel liebe zum Sport. Für uns was es ein unvergessliches Erlebnis.
Wir gratulieren den Gewinnern*innen sowie den MVP und Newbie.
Wir freuen uns, euch alle an den SBPC 2025 im September erneut zu begrüssen.
Herzlich, Chris und der ganze Verein Velopolo St. Gallen

Chère communauté du polo
Merci à tous ceux qui ont participé au « NON PRObutFIT » du week-end dernier à St-Gall. Grâce à vous, le tournoi a reçu beaucoup d’amour pour le sport. Pour nous, ce fut une expérience inoubliable.
Nous félicitons les vainqueurs* euse que les MVP et les Newbie.
Nous nous réjouissons de vous accueillir à nouveau lors des SBPC 2025 en septembre.
Cordialement, Chris et toute l’association Velopolo St-Gall

Dear Polo Community
Thank you to everyone who was part of ‘NON PRObutFIT’ last weekend in St. Gallen. Thanks to you, the tournament experienced a lot of love for the sport. It was an unforgettable experience for us.
We congratulate the winners as well as the MVP and Newbie.
We look forward to welcoming you all again at the SBPC 2025 in September.
Much love, Chris and the whole Velopolo St. Gallen club




3. Platz: Joe, Andi, Lea

2. Platz: Ricardo, Basil, Pedro

1. Platz: Romain, Mathilde, Tobi


MVP: Romain
Best Newbie: Tim