Penalty shot

While I think calling advantage in game has it’s… advantages, I think there are situations where a penalty shot is warranted.

Situations where there is significant enough of a crash or disturbance to play on a shooting opportunity where calling advantage just wouldn’t do the penalty justice.

thinking a line at 3/4 court length would be a fair limit, on an open goal.



Definitely don’t think it is a priority concern in terms of rule changes but sounds fun and fair.

Mind you would rather see one v one situation with no backwards movement from the attacking player.
Imagine how lame the sport would look when most penalties on an open net are shot into the corner :slight_smile:

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haha that “tacle”


the few penalty shot i saw in my humble polo life was in a vast majority stopped from the goalie.
Statisitcally it’s more adventageous to keep an advantage + ball turnover than this, i think.


Why an empty net?

I guess because penalty shot is meant to be scored like 90% of the time.
It’s meant to be “a formality” and what is exciting it’s when people miss it.

From my experience, in bike polo, when there’s a goalie it’s more 70-80% success for the defense.

An empty goal from mid court “should” be easy but with the pressure and everything like heckling and boooing for the side it could be hard, and fun.

bigger goals. thats the rule change I want to see. I personally don’t know a lot of people who can find the gap when they’re 1v1 and hit it - I think that makes things quite lame

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Not sure there’s a goal big enough to help you…



I will most definitely miss this.

Haha i remember when i was a kid, not a good soccer player at all but around here every kid was doing soccer. Well during a game the goal was empty, i shoot the most beautiful “pointu” shot in the world, the ball went above the net by a large margin.

Well even Beckam did that once, right ?


I played basketball for over 8 years and wasn’t able to score in serious games when I was alone there (except for the free throw)

I have a lot of throw backs on the court but I am happy I seem to be not the only one

On topic: Shooting on an empty goal doesn’t follow a game logic for me.

EHBA 2018 rules can be downloaded here:

I would give section 7 and 8 a good read. Penalty escalation depending on the situation, the severity of the infraction and the personal fouls are already in place to assess time penalties where a player has to sit out.

For example, when a foul is committed on a scoring opportunity it is an automatic escalation by one degree, plus a personal foul that can lead to further escalation. Referees need to be more strict on giving 30s for fouls on scoring opportunities. It is often forgotten about.

This is not entirely clear to many players, but the advantage while in ball possession is nothing but a bonus. It is NOT the consequence of an infraction. The personal foul procedure is the main consequence.


I like big rippers, but a good goalie will block a 90% shots from down court that are not top shelf.

I think the width is okay, but we should definitely move to standard hockey goals, lets get more top shelf shots, more goalies swatting balls out of the air.

These are the concerns we should worry about ha ha, bike polo already is hella goofy. I like the idea of the 1v1 a-la hockey, but the free throw aspect is appealing to me too. Not a fan of how penalties just remove players, with the exception of malicious/reckless behavior. It’s a whole-nother conversation about what is a greater dis/incentive, not playing or letting the other team probably score. I think we can learn a lot from how fowls are handled in basketball which bike polo has been drifting towards as it moves away from hockey style penalties.