Yo, we’re 6 weeks away from the tournament and it’s time to share some news !
First of all, here is the final list for this edition of PoloZoo:
ANNECY: Piernok (C) x Gas x Rémi x Vincent
BARCELONA 1: Xavi (C) x Diego x Joan x Berni
BARCELONA 2: Alé (C) x Dani x Romi x Luc
BORDEAUX: Benoit (C) x Bernie x Gaspard x Anne Lise
CAEN: Nico (C) x Nans x Hugo x Ben
GENEVA: Quentin (C) x Clément x Jojo x Woody
LAUSANNE: Ella (C) x Théo x Martin x Maeva
LYON 1: Momo (C) x Bouchard x Fonzi x Vinz
LYON 2: Reno (C) x Raxo x Dani x Alban
MAGDEBURG: Ben (C) x Schmö x Matze x ToBiAs
MARSEILLE: Gab (C) x Lucas x Louise x Luca
MILANO: Tommy (C) x Pyetro x Michele x Marco
MONTPELLIER 1: Thomas (C) x Daf x Aymeric x Maxence
MONTPELLIER 2: Ju (C) x Jason x Alice x Vicky
NANTES: Chevance (C) x Mimiche x Toma x Martin
PAMPLONA: Irene (C) x Jonfer x Luk x Victor
PERPIGNAN 1: Koko (C) x Tristan x diMeh x Riton
PERPIGNAN 2: Baptiste (C) x JB x Etienne x Ben
ROMA: Korbe (C) x Kekio x Kappa x Ktosy
ROUEN: Crapuline (C) x Dona x Cam x Anaïs
TOULOUSE 1: Rem’s (C) x Silvio x Parcim x Gildas
TOULOUSE 2: Alexis (C) x Léa x Ben x Bastien
VALENCIA: Wil (C) x Ruben x Agus x Quimi
ZARAGOZA: Johnny (C) x Jose x Pedro x Maria
Waiting list:
MONTPELLIER 3: Raph (C) x Cal x Loïc x Laurent.
The cities hosted are as follows:
For these teams we cannot commit to more than a roof over our heads, you will probably have to bring something to sleep depending on who you are staying with!
For the others who will help with assembly on Friday and dismantling on Sunday, and who can bring something to sleep on (mattress, sleeping-bed, tents, etc.) we will try to push the walls of our house a little to welcome you too!
In order to take stock of all this, and to update the team compositions, it is important that all captains respond, after consulting their teammates, to the following form before Monday September 30:
Registration :
Registration fees are 80 euros per team (payment information to come) breakfast included for Saturday and Sunday. At lunchtime, stands will offer food (vegetarian and vegan). You will be entitled to a little goodie!
The tournament will take place at the Parc des Sports, 88 Avenue Paul Alduy, 66 000 PERPIGNAN, 3 fields and 2 days. Meet at 8 a.m. for breakfast, matches start at 8:30 a.m., the timing will be tight, especially with the time change during the night from Saturday to Sunday. As a reminder, we don’t have any lights on the ground so once again we’re counting on you!
We start with 8 Swiss round matches on 3 fields and a simple elimination with the 16 best ranked teams.
We will dismantle the third court at the end of the swiss round (1st dismantling session), then the second at the end of the quarter-finals (2nd dismantling session), semi-final and final will take place on the first court which will be dismantled at the end of the tournament.
For refereeing, the rotation will be the same for all teams; you will have to referee, assist or goal reffer one match per round.
Each round consists of 4 matches per court, you play your match (1st match), you rest in the next one (2nd match), you then referee (3rd match) then you end up resting again (4th match) .
We are already aware that this rotation is not perfect but we are counting on you to make up for the shortcomings (if you work hard and like beer we can work things out)