Praha Polobraník

praha polo branik FIN
Like you we think there are not enough tournaments announced for 2024 so come to Prague in May, we are putting together a little something fun for you all to enjoy !
Sorry this is not a proposal for Euros or whbpc24, as we only have one small court and a lot of seriously fun rules change ideas for each games to spice things up…
It will likely be at our local court, parking can be arranged on site, we probably can host most of you (but TBC depending on nb of ppl), there will certainly be some food, bbq, quality Braník and other non-alcoholic refreshments available at the court!

Still more things to be confirmed: format, sign-up, registration date, number of teams etc… but for now save the date:

Sat-Sun 11-12 /05/2024

Prague Bike Polo
Perlitová 1834/29
140 00 Praha 4

More details will be announced soon!

Registration link !
We’re going for a cosy tournament for up to 12 14 teams preferably to keep everyone comfortable, therefore there might be a lottery if necessary, it’s 3v3, and there can be 1tba player max per team.
There will be a few spots reserved for Prague teams (2/3 players).
Deadline for registration/lottery: Sun 24/03/2024 (gives over a month after that to arrange travels etc…)
Registration is closed.
(keep the link at the end of the form, you should be able to update your entry if things change)

We do not yet have a registration cost but don’t worry we will aim to keep it affordable.
Next update will also inform more on the tournament format and the fun rules we want to try out.
Any question, let us know.

One team had to cancel so their spot has been filled with a group of players from Prague, it will probably be a bit of a floating team with changing players as they are not all available during the whole weekend.

For the format, it will be à la Graz (for the ones who know), which means there will be two groups of Round Robin on Saturday: morning and afternoon (so you can explore the city or hang around watching how the fun rules play out), then Sunday some smaller and balanced groups and finally a top 6 single elim to wrap it up around 18:30-19:00.
We will split the 14 teams as equally as possible, so let us know if you have a preference for afternoon only if you need to travel on the day for ex.

You should have all been contacted regarding accommodation, shout if not or if your plans change.
Still working on registration fee, but we will accept euros so bring some cash change!

There will be breakfast and lunch at the court + evening bbq on Saturday and Sunday. Cold beers and non-alco drinks also available at the court. Some supermarkets are fairly close to the court and are opened the whole weekend. There are some dishes at the court but if you bring your own it’ll make our lives easier.

Heads up for cycling around Prague (or CZ in general), googlemap does not offer bicycle navigation.
Instead use or Na kole Prahou (app or online map:, be aware that some route recommendations can turn out to be quite intimidating as taking you on what could seem to be a highway (so look for more bike friendly alternatives)
Prague is quite hilly, so to come to the court it is generally simpler to ride along the river on the bike paths and go up the hill on Jeremkova street.

Parking is free in the area between Friday 8 pm to Monday 8 am. I’d recommend Perlitova street which is adjacent to the court but it is one way so you would have to go around the block to drive in it. There is a parking lot at the court (part of the sport centre) which is free for 15min to drop things off if that helps. btw we have a lockable house at the court so it will be possible to store your polo stuff overnight if needed.
Parking zones info
Parking map

Registration fee will be 15euros, at the court you can pay in euros (in cash) for everything. (unfortunately not anywhere else)

On Friday afternoon/evening we will be at the court for pickups, beers and bbq.

Looking forward to see you there !

Team List and Groups:

SAT Group # Team name Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 City 1 City 2 City 3
AM 2 Czech Him! Daniel Omayra Mateen Praha Vienna Vienna
AM 4 Beng Beng Aldo Turbo Filip Zg W-wa Zg
AM 5 Infusion Spasm George Lishka Aislan Berlin Berlin Utrecht
AM 6 Summertime Slavness Tina Peter Anna Vienna Vienna Vienna
AM 7 Trosky Jonáš Johanna Frax Turnov Vienna Praha
AM 10 Kdo brzdi, nevyhraje Adam Jirka Alča Praha Pardubice Praha
AM 11 2 Czechs 1 Pole Daniela Kamila Kuba Praha Praha Vídeň
PM 1 Scheißverein ben Pevi Schmö Magdeburg Magdeburg Magdeburg
PM 3 Ctrl+Alt+Delete Raphi Olli Pauberin Vienna Dresden Graz
PM 8 The Rumble Levin Robert Lette Halle Halle Berlin
PM 9 Fischer Heinz Lea Moritz Jonas Graz Graz Graz
PM 12 Krystalis Jenda Kyncl Eliška Pardubice Pardubice Praha
PM 13 Polomáčenky Štěpán Petr Bárt Praha Praha Praha
PM 14 The Brokes Eďák (/Tomáš) Piotr (/Olda) Pepa (/Dan) Praha Praha Praha

first post updated!


I’m intrigued. I hope for wheel goals and infinity scoops :crossed_fingers:

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I hope for wheelie goals and NO scoops


Raphi from Vienna and Olli from Dresden looking for a third for this wonderful tournament, preferably flinta. hit us up if you wanna play with us. :yellow_heart:

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Thnx for the suggestions and keep them coming! We’ve been trying rules at pickup and have some good ones in the bag already. We’re open to more fun options :sunglasses:


Also we’re trying to come up with rules that will be fun to play for all players (no matter the skills, experience…). So infinite scoops will probably not make the cut since it’s probably fun just for players that knows how to scoop. :slight_smile: We’re looking for rule changes that will not create an extra advantage for A players.


Has registration ended yet? :)
Any team list?

Yes registration closed yesterday.
We’ve got 14 teams so we are evaluating different formats to check if we stick to 12 or allow more in.
Will post asap this week to confirm.


Ok, thanks, can you please also check if you receive our registration form ? ( Beng beng ? )
btw why not 16 teams ?

Alright, everyone is in ! Making it 14 teams.
First post updated with cool poster also !


Why am I only seeing this now?

Maybe I’ll come down to say hi and help. :)


There’re available slots in some teams :wink:

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format update in the first post!


We prefer morning group but afternoon will be also fine.
One swap - Filip will be playing with us instead of Olej - he will not come.
Regarding the accommodation - we have it already. cyu soon !

Are there any news about morning afternoon group?

If it´s possible, please Fischer Heinz into the afternoon group. thanks

Groups assigned in the first post !
with also more info about food, cycling and parking tips and registration.


Rule No. 1:
More coming soon ;-)


Polobranik rules BW 2
Sharpen your reffing skills for this one!