Public discussion about Swiss Comittee and Rep list (2021 and beyond?)

Bern: 16 active. 10-12 more stragglers


Are we able to create a mail list from all the clubs? It would be useful for communications.

@davidv here david

We need a new Rep for GVA since @davidv abandoned us.

Also @Mamar are you ok to be Rep for Lausanne, after discussing with your club of course.

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seems to be ok for Lausanne people that I’ll take the job :+1:


So fare the mailing list :

Miguel Vilachá
David Varga

Is it still up to date ?

Mario please add yours.

Also GVP needs to elect a new rep.

Elena question :

@mironova_e i’m not a specialist in politics, the main idea for me is to have reps that form a swiss comittee, these reps talk to the club and make informations travels.
If clubs / rep want to count each individual voices and report them why not but i’m sure there is pro and con in each other system, see the Miguel comment about having smaller clubs having near to zero weight in the discussion.
Your exemple looks a bit problematic to me: like 4 of 6 clubs wants X but for voices it’s Y that is voted, i guess it depends on how you see the swiss community, if you see it as a big 100 players group or if you see it as smaller communities.

Is it not in Swiss votations populaires individual votes and cantons votes are taken into consideration ?
Maybe we should count indiv. votes + clubs votes then ask ChatGPT !

That say, we are like 4,5 clubs in Switzerland, and maybe 37,5 players so if rep wants to count and report voice i personally wont argue 3 weeks on this matter.

This just needs to be voted, each club have a voice :slight_smile:

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Fine for me.
In my opinion we just have to prevent ind. players fills the final google doc.
To avoid “magic” new member and stuff like that it really needs to be the responsibility of the club rep to count ind. voices and put them into the google doc (or here in the forum). All open and all public.

Main idea for me, i repeat, is to have club rep that form a semblance of swiss committee that can make the information travel, and travel safely and openly.

Of course voting count system should be set before the result of the vote.

Btw i asked chatgpt because i’m a shit, referendum and initiave populaires needs to have the double majority = individual voices + canton majority. So maybe we need also this to have the perfect system ?
So voices + clubs majority to have a modification ?
I guess it’s a good way, and not only the “pure math” system, honestly i feel there’s something wrong not valued club specific needs / proposal in favor of pure maths blending system.
You called for the swiss system !


Btw KISS YOU @mironova_e for triggering me every each fucking time of every each fucking year for the sport of moving wind !

That is fine for me too. It reflects that we are one big community which is divided in smaller sub-communities. So it takes the advantages (or disadvantages?) of both systems.
Lausanne voted for the club vote btw (4 votes for club vote, 0 for individual vote, 1 “whatever”). but we didn’t talk about the mixed solution yet.
Should we vote to check if the mixed solution is fine for everybody? (I’d propose we just vote and count individual as well as club votes and hope that both give the same result :wink:)

As soo as we have decided on that question we can talk about the swiss champs format/ organization

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So what are the questions for the 2024 season ?

The voting system ?

  1. Stay like that (club’s vote)
  2. Individual vote
  3. Double majority (individual + club must accept the proposal)

Swiss champ location ?

  1. So far only one bid/ proposal from Lausanne

Format ?

  1. 3v3
  2. 4v4
  3. 5v5

Mixed ?
2. Favorited : more chance to be drafted if team are mixed ? Make not much sens in Switzerland cause we likely won’t have any waiting list for the champ, I think (based on past year experience)
3. Status quo (same as before)

Do you see more objects to vote on ?

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Maybe game duration if 4v4. This was quite different at different tournies last year, 16 min / 18 min / 20 min. No idea how long 5v5 should be.

My email has changed. Sent you a pm

Where is the option for an ABC Swiss Champs?


On a serious note, is it intended that the Swiss Championships does not act as a qualifier for a potential European championship?

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well let’s vote on the voting system then?

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which system we use to vote for the system to use ?

It’s a good question.

Should be voted.

The easier for me is to consider Swiss Champ as a qualifier and threfore kind of already know what format will be played in these hypotetics euro’s.

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My proposition from above