Hey poloverse, I’m a North American (white passing, cisgender man) who’s been living in Switzerland for a couple years now.
I have a question about the use of FLINTA in European bike polo. My understanding is that FLINTA means Fem Lesbian Intersex Non-binary Trans and A gender. However, in North America variations of WTFNB are often used (Woman Trans Fem Non-binary, and sometimes WTFNB+ to be more inclusive of other gender identities). In NA WTFNB is used to address disparities in the representation gender minorities in bike polo. The same as I imagine FLINTA is used here in Europe. Either way it seems that WTFNB and FLINTA are used to address gender inequity in bike polo.
I understand these acronyms aren’t perfect, and won’t likely represent the diversity of all players that might fit into them. With this context, I have a genuine question about the use of FLINTA.
Specifically, I’ve been trying to figure out why lesbian is used. Lesbian just stands out to me as a sexual orientation, where as the others are gender identities/expressions.
Please keep in mind, I’m not trying to start something between NA and EU, or start a big debate about which acronym is better or more inclusive (re: no acronym can perfectly fit the diversity of a group it’s attempting to represent). I just want to understand. I might just be missing some context as a cis-gender man.