Many of you may already know the tragic news. The worldwide bikepolo community recently lost one if it’s members. Theo was from Nantes, was a leader in French bikepolo. I met Theo 10 years ago, and immediately recognized him as a generous and passionate player. Rough, rough, and hard to bluff, an active member of our family, doing everything in his power to promote this sport, and be the best player he could be.
I’ve created this thread so that we might exchange fond memoires of this man that I admire so much.
I remember seeing him at a tournament after he had spent several weeks in Italy. I was amazed to witness his speaking excellent italian with some players from Milan. I was so impressed by this. The man was so driven. He had all the tools he needed to realize any dreams he had.
Many times I witnessed him crash into the back wall at 20kmh to score a winning goal, or shut down a counter-attack. He was one if those players who was willing to do anything for his team.