So we’ve been doing side joists in my club for a few weeks. Where you line up at center court tap out spot on your side then go towards the ball which is still in the center. I think it has all the qualities of a standard joist with added benefits.
Lower speeds means it’s safer, while still maintain the thrill of two vying for the ball.
The clearly delineated half-court line helps to maintain a barrier that prevents players from colliding.
It makes it possible for lefties to joist against righties, instead of being on opposite sides you start on the same side just separated by the half-line.
Bonus, we’ve also experimented with the non-jouster being able to have rear wheels on any wall, as long as they don’t interfere with the joisting lanes, opening up tactics.
Some clubs are experimenting with a hockey style tap off, but it’s just kind of clumbsy, I think the joust is a quintessential part of polo that should be maintained.