singleplayer tournament linz

I think If Andi, who is the organizer, is not happy with the idea to move it to Wördern, it’s clear that it should happen in Linz! Also it would be unfair to take the opportunity away from Linz players who can/want join only for one day or a few hours…


What astrid said +1

Sorry, 12 players for two days with only very few additional for some hours is not enough for me.
I am out, unless Prague spontaneously decides to come as well (I wrote them ).


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no, i am just unhappy about the situation, unspecific.
i want the best for the most people. its not about me.

I don’t know then, how we can decide this? :upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

And what is (Graz?) Jonas thinking?


…i dont get them on poloverse. but seems like we will do it in linz anyway. we hope for good weather and so on…

how about trying to get the most in on saturday and we will see about sunday? i am out of ideas to please everyone.

Unfortunately no last-minute players from Prague.

Hi! I would prefer to come to Linz. But a crucial question for me is if someone can host me? because the journey from Brno to Linz by train is pretty expensive.

of course you will be hosted. i am just waiting how many we will get in the end, so that i can find the optimal host for everybody. glad you come and looking forward to play some polo together.

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We could do some training/workshops

E.g. dancing hardcourt by Christopher

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I’m not sure if I come. Depends if anyone else from Graz/Maribor will come aswell. Otherwise the journey will be to expensive for me alone 🥲

I am slowly leaning towards what Mateen said.
I really wanted to visit and play in Linz for the first time, but if it’s getting so small, the rational part of me says: you should save money.

@Jojo1312: is anyone interested so far?

Not really. Maybe Hollywood.

i can understand. weather also is getting shitty again. yesterday it was a little bit of rain in the forecast, now its a lot. changes every day.
we (linz) of course are here and if nobody / only a few come or it is a lot of rain, we will go to our selfmade court under the bridge. its dry and for free.
perhaps thats the best way anyway… i will count all the people again and will update the list.

I am in at least for one day (I am concerned about my strength for few ppl+2 days)

mateen - out
jonas - most likely out
paul - out, if i remember correctly
ana - out, i guess, or only one day
kuba - out, i think

we will do under the bridge - polo and welcome everyone who is coming. but i will cancel the court, because of weather, lack of people and money.

hm, under the bridge sounds still tempting for me, but since I still have some things I have to do this weekend, I will follow the topic and see when and how many people come to Linz.

edit: so ideally, if you guys decide today between weekend vs one day (and which day specifically) format, I can rule myself in or out.

and even if i won’t make it, I am looking forward to the next opportunity to cycle in circles in Linz!

everybody i talked to who wants to come, wants to come sa + su or only sa. i think nobody only wants to come on su, so we will make it saturday. we are here anyway and are looking forward to 1, 2 or 5 guests. or even more. we play under the bridge, the boards are only 10cm, the court is small and we dont have lights, so at 7 pm we are done. but its cheap and dry. so that everyone knows.
if you already have train tickets for two days, or want to stay for the night, we will still host you, of course. please give an update, if you still intend to come.
looking forward to seeing you!


Coming on Saturday :slight_smile:

Ps: when do we start?

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