Swiss Champs 2023 / Zurich

Yes. I think this would make sense.

Vaccine card !

Swiss Hardcourt Bike Polo Championships 2023

Zurich is happy to host the Swiss Champs which at the same time will be the qualifying event for the European Championships 2023 in Berlin.

When: 6th and 7th of May

Where: at our court behind Hardhof 19, 8064 Zurich

How: Squad format with teams of exactly 4 players. For details check the registration form.

First come first serve with a maximum of 16 teams.
Registration from Tuesday, April 11th until end of Monday, April 24th with the following form:

Link to Registration Form

For questions: please contact

We are looking forward to seeing you on the court!


I think 16 teams we will be okay with first come first serve but maybe since it’s qualifying it should have like slot allocation per club ?
Don’t know

We would take actions if is needed as mentioned. But In our calculations and what are we getting from the clubs we don’t think we would reach the 16 teams.

Also this was sent to your representatives.

According to the survey we decide the following for this year’s tournament:

The qualifiers for the euros will at the same time be the Swiss championships
A player who plays the Swiss qualifiers is not allowed to participate on any other qualifying event for the euros
A “Swiss” player is, who currently plays in Switzerland
Due to titleholding already qualified players are allowed to participate, but their entire team is not able to qualify for the Euros. In case the team ends up on a qualifying rank, the qualification is passed on to the next team in ranking order.
3 out of 4 players of the team must be “Swiss”
Even if this now is obsolete, we thank Geneva a lot for the offer to organise separate Swiss Championships! Of course, we would still appreciate, if there was another tournament somewhen later this year in Geneva!

We are aware, the participation of a team who is not eligible to qualify may distort the competition for the qualifying ranks of the other teams. We try to come up with a mode that enables to have both, a fair qualification and a good competition for the title of the Swiss Champions. Depending on the number of participating teams, this may be less or more complicated due to scheduling and capacity issues. For the unlikely case that many (e.g. 16) teams sign up, the very emergency case would be, that we had to uninvite already qualified teams again and do a qualification tournament only. However, we try our best and hope things are not becoming even more complicated :smiley:

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All right thanks , what will be the format? Will be discussed with the committee ?

We are going to wait until we have all the teams registered. So we can do as much as we can with the number of teams
Most probably 2 balance group rounds on the first day + double elimination & direct confrontation for ranking on the last day.
But yes it could be reviewed if there any concerns from the committee.

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Nice :+1:t2:

Btw: what was the result of the lastest poll?

We send it to your representatives. But I just resend it to you by email. :wink:

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Pleeeenty questions here but ill stick to whats relevant: i will sign up because my team for euros (most likely) wont be playing any qualification event :))
Thank god for loopholes. For further questions please refer to our legal team

there’s an e-mail adress mentioned in case you have questions :wink: hope we wont need lawyers, I prefer spending my time on court rather than in court…


Thanks, in the unlikely case of this event not being a Swiss champs we may need to organize it in gva or bern (best place best court) in autumn right?

We are 95% sure that this won’t be needed . But yes I guess we would look at the options and take a decision together. For us would be the same the where and when.

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Btw do we know the slot allocation for the euros?
@django ?

Berlin is confirming early next week whether 4 courts are possible (it looks promising). Slot allocation will be published as soon as this is known.


Then maybe if possible can we do longer matches? Anyone I have talked about this, they feel the same about it: that 16 min is hardly an incentive to swap players.
20min? What do you think?


I agree, 18min should be the bare minimum.

How long do you play at Nantes @davidv ?

16, most matches we do only one swap.