Swiss Champs 2023 / Zurich

Streaming day two

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Round Robin Ranking

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Swiss Qualifier Ranking based on Round Robin:


Swiss Champ Ranking





Thanks for the weekend! Trully a great tournament, and awesome to see swiss polo this healthy and competitive. WOP WOP!

Juuuuust one tinnnnny litle thing…I couldn’t help notice in the list of qualified teams. Is there perhaps a mistake with a couple of teams?

Don’t mean to stir things up if everyone is happy with it. :grimacing: But according to what had been voted, shouldn’t the teams with pre qualified player have to give up their spots?
Cause the teams beneath the qualified spots could potentially want to go?

If there’s anyone impacted by this, we should at least talk about it no?

If not… Happy days!

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Udan tashtaree concerned…


Could you be more specific in which teams are not allowed to be part of the qualifier from your perspective? From what I understand is just Mongrels . So that is why we removed from the RR calculations.

Let me explain myself. The teams that could be also a concern are Passion Croissant and maybe WHO . But because none of the players has participate or will participate on another qualifier tournament they still allowed to be part of the calculation. But they only would be allowed to take a spot from Switzerland if there team is form by 3 players from the qualified team. If not the spot would be allocated to the next team in line.
Anyways (Passion Croissant)on the registration mentioned that they are not interested on qualifying to Euros as a Team. but because they are allowed to qualify we should not removed from the calculations.

*Also For us if a player is taking a spot from another region to fullfil a vacancy or lack of interest from the other region is not a reason to remove them from an option to qualify in our region.

I hope this helps to understand our perspective.
And please let me know if I am missing a point or a player that is breaking the rules.

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Well: in our opinion (and results from the poll) the teams who have already qualified players in it should be removed from the list (this is the same situation as the team with Mongrels players).

The phrasing on the survey result is not 100% clear but the core idea was obvious (i think).
It’s not about “playing” a qualifier: it’s about being already qualified.

We do not “exclude” qualified player to play, as in other countries, but we agree that their teams are therefore not running for qualification.
This is was especially necessary in our case because this tournament was qualifier + swiss champs and two of swiss champ are qualified world champs.

If nobody raise their voice for this year then OK but already Udan have.
Also Ossi or Bikepolar who are just from one step to be into the main or wildcard are concerned.

Anyway, It should be really clear for next year: when slot are allocated by EHBA and teams/players announced their choice they must be aware that if they participate in another qualifier the team will not be able to take a slot.

Here’s the list:


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I gotta go with quentin on this.
Even though the wording was not precise. The fundamental idea was clear. In talking with some of the teams affected by this, they knew and understood the rule as intended. Meaning, a qualified player would disqualify the team from the Qualifier part of the tournament. Ence my surprise at the change in the decision.
I am qualified and therefore don’t have a stake in it.
Was just pointing it out, in the event this was a mistake

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Pardon, i understand your point but fact for us was that the discussion was about people that have been “playing” a qualifier. Thats what was written. And don’t know if that maters but piks was a sub because michu was hurt and not the first choice for the team (no front piks :wink: ) …

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The phrasing is kind of “open” i agree with you but the part of the poll about the Mongrels case (who don’t play any qualifier) set a precedent for all the other teams in this situation.
I guess it should at least have been openly questioned/discussed here before the tournament.

I was biting my tongue, cause In the end… if no one wants that qualification spot, then there’s no point in making a big deal out of this until next year.


The whole idea that playing the qualifier and being qualified is somewhat different, makes no sense whatsoever. In that case what was keeping Morgan from playing for the qualifier? I realize Who was in a tough spot with the last minute injury. But there where other unqualified players available.

So, I’ll say it quite directly. Let’s not start leaning on the whole misunderstanding theory. Literally everyone i spoke to this weekend about the subject, (including Pix and Reto), was under the impression that teams with pre-qualified players where not eligible. I was part of conversations where teams where actually counting their ranking counting on it. Ense why I was originally worried that there might have been a mistake. It would make absolutely no sense at all to have gone to the trouble of arranging a special format, if it wasn’t the case.

Next year we’ll discuss this subject a bit better to iron out the wording and leave no room to interpretation. This, year, if no limbo team objects, lets carry on and have fun at the euros.

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The easiest solution is to do a new survey to clarify and we actually get the option from each club.
I am not sure how far you want to go with this.
For me can get a bit extreme.

I give an example if at the end a player decided to play with a different team Euros and not the same as the Swiss Champs team . That means to you that his team at the Swiss Champs is not allowed to qualify?

For me the problem was mainly with people that attend multiple qualifiers because they were not able to qualify on there region. So that is why on the survey was mention the word "participate "

Maybe we could start by a survey about “which teams plan to go to the euro”.
Maybe at the end we are looking at a solution without a problem.

In your exemple you did not “multiply” the slots, one slot remains to the swiss qualified team and the others slot already exist.
I’d say it could be an issue if all 3 or 4 players want’s to claim one swiss slot and make multiple teams.
Edit: i see what you meant, but ideally this must be settle before the swiss qualifier, a player / team claim a slot and EHBA should be aware of it.
In your exemple the problem is that if a player knows that he will play with another team afterall, it’s all based on player good faith. Of course you can always “cheat” but i mean, people talk so…

It’s true but it’s half of question in my opinion.
The Mongrel’s case put the spot on the other half : having a qualified player running for a new slot.

I see no diffrence between Mongrels and other team with already qualified player in it.
I mean, imagine if all top 4 teams of the swiss qualifier have a Mongrels player in it, what would you say ?
It will make no sense for the competitive scene of switzerland and could legitimal disgust many players or teams.

But as i said at the top, it could be solve this 2023 year by a survey I heard Dani may play with WHO as Lukas cannot attend to the euro ? Maybe we got already on free slot.
Then Croissant, are they going ? Then you or StGall can go to the wildcard, etc.

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Yeah… no one seems too bothered about this. So next year we clarify, and BIMM!!! Harmony!!

Well, Joe (Uda Tastaree) is concerned.

Ah poop. Had not seen…
What your take on this Joe?

:+1: :nerd_face:

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All cards on the table:

Mongrels Utl

  • Emmet and Morgan have a title-defending Euro-Slot


  • Piks is using a Belgium Euro-Slot. Piks played instead for Michu due to an injury.

Passion Croissant

  • Remy is using a Belgium Euro-Slot.

Specie Rara

  • Clem is using a Belgium Euro-Slot.

Bikepolar Disorder

  • Miguel is using a Spanish Euro-Slot.

Please correct me if I got something wrong.

Also, for 2024 I highly recommend that all players reveal their Euro-Slot intentions (if there are any). In the spirit of the Euro-rules every euro/schengen player should only try to go for ONE Euro-Slot max.
This is a mess.