Swiss Champs 2024

WhatsApp Image 2024-04-23 at 07.19.18

Dear (swiss) polo community!

Bex Bike Polo and Polo Lausanne Sport are very happy to organize this years swiss champs. Thanks for having accepted our invitation!
The event will take place on the first weekend of June (1-2) at the amazing court at Le Stade de Bel-Air in La Tour-de-Peilz.
There will definitely be food, places to stay for the night and all the usual needs of a polo tournament.

The precise format will be defined once we know the number of teams that participate.
For the teams, the following rules apply:

  • 4 players
  • Gender diverse
  • 3/4 play primarily in a swiss club

See you soon!

UPDATE - Team list

TBA | Edouard (Bex), Ali (Bex), Nath (Genève), Joe (Bex)
Shiny rookies 2.0 | Luca (Lausanne), Leonie (Bern), Quassim (Bern), Louis/Gigi (Lausanne)
Poloschnäggli | Andri (Züri), Alix (Züri), Jovi (Vienna), Mario (Bern/Lausanne)
The little nervous ones | Vincent (Bex), Charles (Genève), Oscar (Bex), Michèle (Bex)
Rooking-Chair | Ella (Lausanne), Maeva (Lausanne), Martin (Lausanne), Théo (Lausanne)
Basel | Yvonne (Basel), Dani (Basel), Lukas (Basel), Micha (Basel)
Bella ! | Jojo (Genève), Clément (Genève), Quentin (Genève), Woods (Genève)
Pololove | Chris (St.Gallen), Andi (St.Gallen), Adrian (St.Gallen), TBA
Hunterz | Romain (Bern), Lara (Genève), Remy (Kollnau), Chrigu (Bern)
TBA | Elena (Genève), Manuel (Genève), Mateen (Vienna), Tomas (Genève)
TBA | Clara (Bern), August (Gaimersheim), Reto (Bern), Michu (Bern)
The Mallettiers | Christoph (St.Gallen), Janis (St.Gallen), Matteo (St.Gallen), Stella (St.Gallen)
Push the Tempo | Migui (Zürich), Greg (Zürich), Mishu (Zürich), Omaira (Vienna)
TBA | Salomé (Zürich), Zita (Zürich), Clément (Bern), Äri (Vienna)


Cool, i think this could be discussed on with the swiss committee, big word i know but it’s a list of rep that was elected by their club to discuss thing like that (swiss champ bid, rules, etc).
Mario i’ve added you to the group.

But yeah for sure super hyped that Loz stepped up for this year ! <3 <3


The swiss committee boards are here :

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Zurich. Doesn’t really care if the format change. But we are also happy with the current system.
We believe that the current system give small clubs like (st gallen or Basel) a bigger impact on the decision taken and maybe that is good.

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relance ton sujet ici elena c’est censé être public maintenant :

Free agent, cassgender

Registration is open!

:boom: :boom: :boom: → Please fill in this FORM until the 8 of May ← :boom: :boom: :boom:

"Bex and Lausanne are proud to invite you to this year’s edition of Bike Polo swiss champs!

Event Timing: June 1-2, 2024

Event Address: Stade de Bel-Air, La Tour-de-Peilz

Format: 4v4, mixed mandatory (gender diverse teams). We hope that everyone agrees to implement the usual rule that 3/4 of the players need to train primarily in a swiss club.

A priori there will be no lottery or anything similar as swiss champs should be open to everyone. As it is in june the days are long and we could potentially play until quite late. If there are like 51 teams registered we need to discuss on that point, but for now let’s just see how many we are.

Deadline for registration: May 8, you have 7 days!
But, as the decision for the team format was quite late and some teams need to rearrange, we understand it if not all teams are formed for this date. Thus, if you’re pretty sure to have a team until june, we encourage you to fill the gaps with “TBA’s” and register anyways until the 8 of May, it will already help us to see how many teams there will be.

For the housing we probably try to contact a nearby campsite, so that everybody can sleep close to the court and that we might get some advantageous prices. We’ll let you know.

Further informations will follow (food, registration fee, etc.)

We’re looking forward to welcome you at the shores of beautiful Lake Geneva soon <3"


Hello everyone…I’m with Charles from Geneva and Oscar from Bex, we’re looking to mix our team???Someone available!??


We are having the same issue and it’s getting really complicated to find a solution after asking around. As well because it’s is a regional championship french players that want to participate on the own region can’t be part of our tournament.
Hopefully our flinta players help us to find a solution.
I don’t want inclusivity to exclude us. :frowning_face:


From what I hear, Vienna has a big FLINTA* player community. Maybe someone over there might come?

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as the inscriptions are ment to close tomorrow, 08.05, maybe an additionnal delay should be accorded for the teams who still are actively looking for a flinta player? @Mamar ?

from what i know, the following swiss flintas already have a team:
Elena, Nath, Jojo, Lara,
Ella, Maeva,
Rita, Clara, Leonie,
Zita, Salomé,
( Ladina not planning to attend, but i d hustle her to play…)
Michelle ( bex) , not sure.

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Sure we can do that! So @Migcha (and others in the same situation) I recommend you just register with your team and leave a TBA for your number 4. This allows us to estimate how many we’ll be so we can plan the housing / food / game format / etc.

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J I contacted 18 people from the Polo community…and no one could release…in France Germany Austria Switzerland

Je suis vraiment désolé de lire cela. J’espère que ton équipe trouvera quand même une joueuse.

L’exclusion ne m’est pas étrangère. J’essaie d’organiser quelque chose à Zurich cette année encore.

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Sorry for the delay. Here’s the team list:

TBA | Edouard (Bex), Ali (Bex), Nath (Genève), Joe (Bex)
Shiny rookies 2.0 | Luca (Lausanne), Leonie (Bern), Quassim (Bern), Louis/Gigi (Lausanne)
Poloschnäggli | Andri (Züri), Alix (Züri), Rita (Bern/Basel), Mario (Bern/Lausanne)
The little nervous ones | Vincent (Bex), Charles (Genève), Oscar (Bex), Michèle (Bex)
Rooking-Chair | Ella (Lausanne), Maeva (Lausanne), Martin (Lausanne), Théo (Lausanne)
Basel | Yvonne (Basel), Dani (Basel), Lukas (Basel), Micha (Basel)
Bella ! | Jojo (Genève), Clément (Genève), Quentin (Genève), Woods (Genève)
Pololove | Chris (St.Gallen), Andi (St.Gallen), Adrian (St.Gallen), TBA
Hunterz | Romain (Bern), Lara (Genève), Remy (Kollnau), Chrigu (Bern)
TBA | Elena (Genève), Manuel (Genève), Mateen (Vienna), Tomas (Genève)
TBA | Clara (Bern), August (Gaimersheim), Reto (Bern), Michu (Bern)
The Mallettiers | Christoph (St.Gallen), Janis (St.Gallen), Damian (St.Gallen), Stella (St.Gallen)
Push the Tempo | Migui (Zürich), Greg (Zürich), Mishu (Zürich), Omaira (Vienna)
TBA | Salomé (Zürich), Zita (Zürich), Clément (Bern), Äri (Vienna)


Can somebody please put me in touch with the peeps from St. Gallen? Free agent here :clinking_glasses:

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Hello there
Please ad Adrian Gerber to Pololove St. Gallen. It means, we’re looking forward to a flinta person. Anyone?

Äri there’s a TBA-slot left with Salomé, Zita and Clément, maybe that’s your chance…?

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