The future is now!

This should be the place to discuss, how we would like to see BP in future and how do we see it now? What kind of policy we would like to live and what can we do better to make the sport more welcome to others and ourselves. Please share how you would like to see BikePolo developing and on which point do we stay now.


I think more face to face discussions in group calls or in person meetings on specific topics can be very beneficial as they allow people to express themselves and be better understood. I find a lot of threads can elicit knee jerk reactions and inflexible positioning with no chance of an outcome other than disagreement.


I’d like the future of bike polo to include a lot more people.

we should think critically about any obstacles that make bike polo more difficult to play,
and we should be exploring ways to make it easier to start playing bike polo.


I think we should all come together and fund a solid starter complete bike for as cheap as possible. As well as a package of resources to petition local governments to get space/area to play.


To me the vast majority of bikepolo is and has always been pretty wholesome and well spirited, spiked with some amount of drama and spiced with exciting skills and “wow moments”. I hope this will never change.


Agree with dj ango here, its already nice just hope it doesnt die. The key here is to practise sharing responsabilities and to help people grow as organisers (which is super important political work anyway)
Getting new people in is about having an open vibe first and then you just have to make an effort (rookie trainings, demo games, advertising….)