Timeout call

Didn’t found it clearly written in the ruleset and saw different handling from different refs during games,

who can call a timeout?
Every person playing in the team who is in control of the ball, or only the person is in control of the ball?


the captain

It is not specified within the team, so any member of it, while in possession. Including the the 4th player in the bench, in case of QUADS. During live game play, a team can call for a stoppage in play by gaining
possession and audibly yelling “Timeout” to the Main Referee.


@RobinC After one player shouts “timeout”, all their team-members have to shout “timeout” as well, confused and questioning at first, then increasingly loud and more and more panicked, until the ref finally blows the whistle.


I often saw that refs ask that only the captain is able to talk to them, should be logical that the time out is asked by the captain

the issue momo is , that players also constantly ask shouting “TIME???” so the ref kinda bypass this word and its hard to carch their attention If more than 40% of the spectators shout TIMEOUT or ADVANTAGE at the same time, any ref decision is immediately over ruled.

Seriously though, I think the situation which inspired Maus to post also involved lots of crowd pressure over the ref. Or at least this happened in a few occasions last weekend.


Yes, completely aware of the rule even though I miss-spoke during the match and said the player with the ball must call time-out. Yes any player on the team with possession can call a time-out.
The real problem was that I nor the other 4 people sitting at the ref bench heard the time-out request. The music/crowd was just too loud to clearly hear that call.
Regardless, you should always play to the referee’s whistle and not assume the play will be stopped.