Torino Open Tournament 2024


Yes, you read it right: T O R I N O ! !

Milano Bike Polo is happy to announce a new chapter of the Torinese bike polo scene: Torino Open Tournament 2024 which will take place on June 2024, in collaboration with what is left of our beloved Torino Bike Polo 🥲

  • 22/23 June 2024;
  • classic 3v3;
  • 12–16 teams;
  • Swiss Round or Round Robin (depending on how many teams register) on Saturday
  • Double Elimination on Sunday
  • regular 20x40m court @ Parco Ruffini
  • registrations opens on 04/04;
  • registration closes on 05/05;
  • registration fee €45/team.

The tournament is organised in collaboration with Comune di Torino and “GoodBike”—a travelling event that promote cycling in all of his shapes, in every Italian city where Tour de France will pass by in 2024—which will take place during the tournament days in the Torino city centre.

More info will come very soon, in the meanwhile, registrations are open!! :writing_hand:t3:

Accommodation options

Since none of us actually lives in Torino, probably players have to find an accommodation on their own. However we are trying to make deals with some camping or hostel. Following the options so far.

  • Bamboo Eco Hostel (:round_pushpin:Map)
    Average price per night: €25~
    Person per room: 6/5/4/2 (max 25pp)
    If you are interested in this solution, please answer this thread, if we collect enough participations I will try to get some discount on the total.

  • Grinto Urban Eco Village (:round_pushpin:Map)
    Tent (around €10/night) or Van (around €25/night) Pitches
    Rate table: listinoGrinto2024.pdf (87.0 KB)
    No reservation required for tent pitches.

Registered teams so far

  1. Fazendeiros: Dani, Vinz (Lyon), Riki (Milano) :white_check_mark:
  2. Milano Fried Chicken: Gipsi, Gallo, Nanni (Milano) :white_check_mark:
  3. Caígo: Paolo el vecio, Rufus disgraxia, Dragos (Romania/Pavia) :white_check_mark:
  4. Pastaboys: Paparella (Pescara), Marasma (Torino), Suino (Catania) :white_check_mark:
  5. Hard Darts: Cecio, Phil, Tosy (Roma) :white_check_mark:
  6. Scrocchiazeppi: Top, Sonny, Mizio (Milano) :white_check_mark:
  7. High Content Low Quality: Alejandro (Barcellona), Tommy (Milano), Woods (Geneve) :white_check_mark:
  8. AYNE: Momo, Bouchard (Lyon), Dodi (Munich) :white_check_mark:
  9. Tranquillo: Pyetro (Milano), Jason, Julien (Montpellier) :white_check_mark:
  10. Scaendale: Nans, Gringo (Caen), Frix (Hannover) :white_check_mark:
  11. Mira vos: Alphonse, Gonzalo, Coralie (Lyon) :white_check_mark:
  12. Tornio: Pap, Julien (Padova), Antonino (Catania) :white_check_mark:
  13. Collective United: Emmet (Bern), Lisa (Berlin), Cathal (Montpellier) :white_check_mark:
  14. Sorci Verdi: Kappa (Roma), Fabrizio (Catania), Bojo (Milano) :white_check_mark:
  15. More Passion: Elena (Geneva), Frax (Prague), Mateen (Vienna) :white_check_mark:
  16. Questa non è una porta: Alice, Paolo (Milano), Ronco (Padova) :white_check_mark:

Waiting list

  • Bocca: Mattia, (Vicenza), Clement (Bern), TBA
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Team list updated in the main thread!

Free agent :kissing_heart:


Accommodation update: together with the main organiser we are working to get a good deal with some hotel/hostel/camping, we’ll keep you posted on this.

If you prefer to book something on your own, I just checked on Airbnb and you can still find good deals (around €20–30 per night) close by the court.

Lastly: registrations close in a week, hurry up!


team list updated!

five days left to fill five spots left!

@Pedo might be interested Clement!

Having reached 16 teams 3 days from the closing of the registrations, all the extra registered teams will go in the waiting list.

Registrations closed, team list confirmed with the first 16 registered teams, really sorry for @MattiaTiger and @LaPassoire :disappointed_relieved: hold on in case some team cancel!

You can start book you trip and accommodation, but remember if you are interested in the Bamboo Eco Hostel I mentioned in the first thread, let me know, I’ll try to get some discount if we’ll be enough.

Team captains will receive an email soon this week with further details.

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Mail sento to team captains! Check your spam folder if you didn’t get it.

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Free agent from Catania

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Hello hello!
Registration fee deadline was yesterday and there are still a few team who need to pay it.
Please talk with your captain and make the payment as soon as possible!

Thank you!

Quick update: all team paid and are confirmed.
Sorry for Bocca, @MattiaTiger and @LaPassoire I’ll keep u posted if anything change!

Regarding the accommodation, just 6 people seemed interested in the Hostel solution, which is not enough to even try to ask for a discounted price. In this case I kindly ask to proceed by yourself with the reservation of your stay, regardless is Airbnb, Hostel or Camping, sorry 🥲

Quick update sent via email to team captains!

Will anyone in Torino have a couch for a few hours on Sunday night?
I leave very early on Monday, but I would like to have a shower and maybe close my eyes for a bit.

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Anyone with a free seat in the car going in the following directions on Sunday?
Brescia 21:50
Desenzano del Garda/Sirmione 22:05
Peschiera del Garda 22:15
Verona Porta Nuova 22:58
Vicenza 23:26
Padua 23:43

Need to be there at those times to catch the train to Vienna.

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Maybe @Mazzetta or @Pap ?

Free agent for those missing one :)

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We have a bed available at our Airbnb.
Anyone looking for a place to sleep?

Morning Group: 9:00
High Content Low Quality
Mira Vos
Milano Fried Chicken
Hard Darts

Afternoon Group: 13.30
Rosebud Collective
More Passion
Sorci Verdi
Questa Non È Una Porta