Gießen will host an ABC single player shuffle tournament, you dont need to find a team.
One bracket will start friday afternoon, we will be done by sunday afternoon. The registration will close on sunday 01.09.2024 18:00. There will be 42 spots available. All registered Gießen players have a spot reserved. If neccessary, there will be a lottery for the rest (We didnt discuss quotas yet, will let you know if applied)
To register, please send a Mail to and state:
1 Name and City
2 Level: A or B or C (elaborate if you feel like it)
3 Are you able to play on friday afternoon?
4 What kind of accomodation do you need?
We will provide breakfast and lunch on saturday and sunday. A BBQ will be available throughout the tournament for you to make your own stuff as well.
The parking lot beside the court can be used for vans etc. and Gießen players open their homes for everybody that needs a place to sleep.
This post will be updated continuously.