Wördern Equinox 23-24 September 2023

Sunday is last day for viennese spots.
We will send an email tonight with all the infos.
Payment will be due next wednesday :slight_smile:

Deadline for last spot of BPV: Sunday 10.09
Deadline for payment: 13.09 (All details are sent to the person who registered your team by email)


applying for the BPV-spot= TBA-Shaki/Johanna & Frieda & Annick
(Shaki und Johanna would share one place because they both can only play Saturday resp. Sunday)


Free Ajent

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Pick this cute boy👆
Please :rocket:

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Asking for friend: what is current perception of registration rule for “mandatory mixed teams”.
I stand a bit out of ongoing discussion so am loosing track of trends.
What combinations are meant to fit in status of mixed: male+female, male+flinta, female+flinta? We do not intend to offend anyone. Simply asking how to avoid misunderstanding in interpretation of this rule when apply next time…


flinta is not a gender identity, it is an umbrella term and including more identities (female, intersex, non binary, trans and agender persons).

as i understand mixed teams should have at least two different gender identities in their team. just as female and male can this be non binary, trans, inter and agender persons (plus more). in this case maybe also relevant, please dont assume gender…


Dear Equinox-Team,
is there any planning going on concerning the schedule for saturday morning?
Just curious :wink:
THX in advance

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team velociraptors omayra unfortunately is stuck in mexico for the moment. looks like hansi (linz) will sub.

whats the arrival-situation this time? can we arrive friday for sleeping there? is there a chance of pickups on friday?

thanks for organizing & i am very much looking forward to seeing you all there!!!

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Yep! you are welcome to camp and play pickups with lights from Friday on


there will be parallel pickups in Wien Schmelz and in Wördern on Fri evening


Hey, we will be updating with a game plan soon :))) we are really looking forward to see you


hey there, flinta-subs and interested peoples:
velociraptor has lost another teammate, maryse got sick and cannot come to wördern, now hansi and me are looking for a third.
sorry for not writing to you personally, we are a little bit on the edge, with time and such…


question to the organizers:
i started with two flinta-teammates, both are not able to come to vienna. noone o far replied to our search for a third teammate.
do we play with a sub the whole weekend or are we allowed to ask a male player, that would love to play but didnt get in?
either is fine with us.


Hey Andi :)) i think we found you a teammate… see you tomorro… hugs

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awesome! team velociraptor is very happy! :slight_smile:

Breakfast and Bike checks at 8:30
Games start at 09:30

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Morning group:

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Afternoon group:
Starting at 3:00pm

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Double elimination for Sunday