berlin:mixed 2024

Hi, you are correct. Ill make noise when the payment round starts ;) Soooooon!


Free Agent :cowboy_hat_face:

Just booked my tickets, even if not playing (for now) :smiling_imp:
I’ll be in Berlin 10–15 July!

Better if somebody pick me up as a sub!!


Any news about team in the waiting list, will be in?

Waiting list updated. Payment infos sent out. Let your friends know.

On Friday you’ll check-in with a team, and all three players will have to sign a responsibility waiver. If during the tournament any of those three players gets hurt, is too hangover, disappears, etc, you can use a sub. The sub has to be a player from Berlin, and they have to be approved by the orga desk as to try and keep it as fair as possible in terms of skill level.


Hello Berlin folks!
Thanks again for the event! Looking forward!
Is there any accommodations plans available?
Polo housing? Good plans? sharing?
My teammates and I are a bit short on money after booking our train(:euro:O :euro: M :euro: G!). So we are looking for everything!
Let us know.
With love Elo!

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Can @Pyetro be a Berlin approved sub even if not from Berlin? 🥲


:stuck_out_tongue: why don’t you just move to berlin? prrrrroblem solved, eazy


Impressive, 72% of the teams already paid! Kudos to Amici Della Bici, the quickest paying team!

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go NOW check your spam folder. There is a nice e-mail from 12 of May.

I also moved the team list to the first post in this thread, where it is easier for me to keep it up to date. The waiting list is moooooving :eyes: :heart_eyes_cat: Hold tight Pyetrooo


you’re right Emilio, that would definitely solve all my problems!! 🥲

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@jovina :eyes:


Hello, question probably already asked but is there any cheap (free ?) accomodations available ? I found a way to come as cheap as I could but can’t afford an Airbnb or stuff like that. I can bring a mattress and sleeping bag and sleep on the floor without any problem. If anyone can host me, let me know, that would be awesome. Thank you so much.

Edit : it’s all figured out !



Hey friends! As you know, it is the 10th anniversary of the Berlin Mixed Tournament, and we designed a T-shirt for you to remember that you’re a part of this long-term love story :heart:

  • Pre-order is open till 25.06, 10:00 AM CEST
  • Price: 20 Euro
  • T-shirt organic cotton from Stanley and Stella, vintage white colour, unisex size, silkscreen printing on the back, available sizes S-XXL.
  • You will receive the T-Shirts during Berlin Mixed at the bar.

To order, please send your payment to Rita from Berlin via PayPal ( with a comment that includes your name, city, size, and quantity. Please note that the pre-order is only confirmed after payment is received.

Example: Romana, Berlin, M - 1; XL - 1.


Is there anyone who is going to Annecy after Berlin and has space to take my bike?

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If anyone is still looking for place to stay for free, I can offer my living room in Rummelsburg (near Ostkreuz station) for 1-2 ppl…oh and there are cats in the flat


I will probably need place for one night before joining the rest of my team, for Wednesday and maybe Tuesday

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Can you place team EPIC in the afternoon group for Friday please

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Hello !

Élodie, Fonzo and I (Team Vandals) will be arriving at the train station around 9:30am the Friday. So if it’s possible to put us in the afternoon group :heartbeat::heartbeat:

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:heart_eyes_cat: MORNING GROUP, start 8:30

Team Names
Polo Poultry Jules (Berlin), Olli (Dresden), Teppich (Berlin)
Superhirnmini Sepp, Luise, Erni
Sensual Seduction Turbo, Olej, Ewa
El Niño Manu, Levin, Dev
with pleasure Jo Bex, Ali Bey, Nathalie Geneve
Magmanifics Aislan (Utercht), Marco (Berlin), mg (Berlin)
Rafal Christina , Philip , Max
Stadionverbot Kim-Lea Berlin, Jasper Berlin, Alex Berlin/Australien
lazy leopards Katja (Lpz), Malte (Lpz), Christiane (Lpz)
Geplante Obszönität Remy , August , Lisa
Amici Della bici Genna, Romi, Alejandro
Ematoma Sonny, Michela , Beppe
La Antwort Niklas (Berlin), Omayra (Mexico/Vienna), LeftyPaul (Vienna)
The Triple Tranquillo Anaïs (Montpellier), Carlos (Salt Lake City, USA), Pyetro (Milano)
Pédalosaurus Rex Karen (Montpellier), Max, Harry (Bristol)
Hémorragie Interne Bulle, Tomtox, Alix
Absopololutely Rita (BLN), Benni (Halle), Daniel (Halle)
monstera deliciosa Julia, Karsten, Frieda
To drugs say pizza, to yes say no Clara, Äri, Johannes G.
Schlagobers Allison , Filippa , Richie
Jolie Roue Ell’a (Lausanne CH), Théo (Lausanne CH), Cody (Geneva CH)
Summertime Goth Kat (Birmingham), Astrid , Charlie (London)
Cassiopeia George, Holgeur, Leila
ToMiLi Tony M., Michi, Lishka

:smirk_cat: AFTERNOON GROUP, start 14:00

Team Names
Versumpft vorm Netto Paula, Kevin, Chris
Virgin Power Eliška, Leon, Momo
Gentle violence Lukas, Raimo, Lisa T
Butter Cookies Top (Milano) , Livia (Milano) , Gallo (Milano)
Buena Onda Rita (BLN), Benni (Halle), Daniel (Halle)
The Tafia Marika (Cardiff), Paul (Cardiff), Leo (Cardiff)
Familie Thomas Cathal Montpellier , Raphaelle Montpellier , Silvio Toulouse
Vandals Alphonse, Élodie , Vincent
Broken corns Johanna (Vienna), Andi (linz), Django
I don’t care Alca, Quentin didiers, Romain thouin
Funkytime Ladina, Nicolas, Basti (C)
Elefanta Rita, Reto, Dani Matti
Terminator 3 Anna, Christopher, Georg
watch me dance gitti, emilio, adam
ears tears madej, enrico, kim (vD)
Rookies 2.0 Maryse Napoleoni, Damien Kervella, Jonas Lederer
The Ball Hogs Romana, Daniil , Kyncl
Crankreich Alican, Céleste, Bobo
EPIC Elena ( Gva ) , Manuel ( Gva ) , Mateen ( Vienna )
Sneaky Pixies Coco // Lyon, Anaïs // Rouen, Jérôme // Paris
little birds baptiste, pablo, shaki
Performative Acts Dani Nives - Salt Lake City, Utah (she/her), Mischa, Max Waldman - NYC, NY (they/them)
Piña Colada Clement - Bern, Luce , Niels
Sandstorm Zita, Lette, Frax

PLEASE PLIS PLES PLASE be there BEFORE your group starts playing, to have plenty of time for registration, bike check and general paperwork! :warning:

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