I chose the same Berd spokes, on a different rim (still DT EX471).
Why : Berd spokes are, theoretically, stronger and, for sure, lighter than classic spokes under traction loads. I’m not the fanciest player but this time I was keen to test them under polo conditions as I don’t have a training wheelset. It means between 2 and 8 hours of polo a week until the wheels die.
Difficulties ? It’s all on the wheelbuider’s side.
It is needed to carefully rework hubs holes to avoid spokes to be cut (unless you use hubs with hooks on the flanges like Onyx). Then, it looks hard to reach the tension of the spokes as they tend to gain lenght when being put under tension. I understood that it takes several days to have a correct wheel.
Once again https://lesrouesdelecureuil.com/ did the job. I trust this wheelbuilder since he built all of my polo wheels for years. The first one lasted 5 years of intense polo before being crashed by a bus …
Risks : As Morgan said, let’s see ! Right now, I really wonder how the spokes will resist to all the friction coming from bike polo, especially to the wheel covers slight movements on them. Also, I’m curious of the behavior of the spokes under big shots and, if they break, where they break !