FIRE : FLINTA / Invitational / Rouen / Epic (open to all)

Hello hello lovely polo community !
Laura and I are organizing a new tournament in Rouen :star2: :ringer_planet: :zap:

FIRE : FLINTA – Invitational – Rouen, Epic

WHAT IS IT ? :hatching_chick:
The system is simple : we invited 16 FLINTA captains who will draft their teammates amongst all the registered players (= you) ! The format will be an old school but still working 3v3. Games will probably be a bit shorter than The Epiphany (only way to make sure we respect the schedule as we’re often late). Registration fees are 20€/player (3 player per team).

We will soon drop a form asking you for simple informations (Name, City, Estimated level, Few words about you) so you can register for the draft session. It’s open to every one, and I mean it. Don’t feel shy, if you want a chance to be drafted, the only way is to register yourself. There’s no limit for the registrations quantity. The only thing is that the 16 captains will choose only 32 people (16 captains + 32 players = 48 players = 16x3 players teams. Quick maths). There is no reserved spot for Rouen, not even for me except for the 2 invited captains from Rouen.

DRAFT ?! :penguin:
Yes ! Draft ! There first will be a lottery to order how captains will chose their teammates. First captain will choose 1 teammate, then the 2nd captain will choose their 1st teammate and so on until we reach the last captain. Then, we reverse order and the last captain will choose their 2nd teammate and so on until the previously first captain have chosen their 2nd teammate.

THE CAPTAINS ? :eagle:
All levels are represented. If you’re not in it, don’t feel sad about it, it was a difficult choice and we already want to organize it again next year with the captains we couldn’t invite. That doesn’t mean we don’t like you or whatever bad reason, we would have invited a lot more people but the slots aren’t infinite. Nevertheless, register for the draft for a chance to play this amazing tournament !

Here is the list of the invited captains (in no particular order) :

  • Julia (Berlin, Germany)
  • Lisa (Berlin, Germany)
  • Coralie (Lyon, France)
  • Anaïs (Rouen, France)
  • Céleste (Bordeaux, France)
  • Jojo (Geneva, Switzerland)
  • Trinidad (Madrid, Spain)
  • Nele (Leipzig, Germany)
  • Justine (Paris, France)
  • Laura (Rouen, France)
  • Elodie (Strasbourg, France)
  • Johana (Frankfurt, Germany)
  • Mya (London, England)
  • Quimey (Valencia, Spain / Cordoba, Argentina)
  • Bulle (Brussels, Belgium)
  • Anne-Lise (Bordeaux, France)

Here it is !


Telegram thread :

Registrations are open ! (you have until May 26).


Quick reminder : this is the last day to register for the draft !

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Hello to all of you, registrations for the draft are closed and we are happy to say that we have 58 players on the list !

The draft should happen on June 11, we’ll keep you posted !

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Here are the registered people :

Judi - her/she Paris / France
Emi Lille
Tomtox aka Thomas Bourgoin Paris France
Levin Halle(Germany)
Juicy Jules (Juicy of the nickname, Jules the name) they/them Berlin, Germany
Taillez Léonie (Patos) she Rouen bike polo
Chloé she/her Paris Bike Polo France
brice. he, him, I suppose. Brussels, Belgium.
Vazzi / Steph / she he Bruxelles Belgium (Brussels Bike Polo)
Vincent Baretge Lyon
Clémence Cyclopette she/her Rouen de Normandie de le Fronce
Stoney tony he/hem London
Corentin Nantes Bike Polo
Woods - Florent DUBOIS Genève
Lucas Bruxelles
Anton Stachkov Rouen City
Raph Montpellier Bike polo France
Gabriela Dias, she/her Berlin
Martin Pasquier / he Paris
Bouchard, no firstname. LYON, Capitale de France.
Aljoscha Berlin, Hamburg Germany
Ana/ she/her Vienna
Capucine, she/her DINAN BIKE POLO !!! (or Rouen)
Samir Nantes
Jérôme, he/him Paris
Étienne Braud Perpignan - France
Caro Paulette Paris - France
Cam Rouen Bike Polo
Pierre, He Rouen Bike Polo, France
Hugo Paris Paris/ France
Judith (she/her) Hamburg / Germany
Thomas larbain Paris France
Tommy Milano
Pablo de Lille Lille france
Mac fly, mathieu, his Montpellier
Yann Rouen, France
Lucía, her. Valencia, Spain.
Jfran Paris
Tomas Machado Geneva
Kim, she Berlin
Quentin Rouen France
Toti / Thomas Lille, France
Ellou she/her Lausanne (CH)
Nans, Emmanuel, her Caen (fr)
Rita, Marita/she Berlin
Laura Esteve Toulouse
Punch Vicenza
Dev (she/her) Boston (United States)
Bella, they/she :) boston bike polo, usa
Izi (she/her) Leipzig, Germany
Rachel, she/her Boston, USA
Max, he/him Rouen, France
gringo, Nicolas, he Caen
Florian Brest
Manu (Manuel, he/him) Gießen, Germany
Air_Thouin, Romain Thouin Paris France
Baptiste Brussels, Belgium
Mateen Vienna, Austria

Hello hello beloved people !
The draft sesh’ is scheduled for tomorrow at 9pm (GMT+2, Paris time). Since some people asked us, we’ll allow everyone to join the video meeting (on google meet) on mute and no chat (maybe only reactions). Only captains and I will be able to talk or write. I’ll try to put it live on youtube also. Link coming soon. Stay connected and at peace

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Thank you all for following the draft yesterday. This was fun (even though I want to fix some stuff already :sweat_smile:, but we’ll see for the next edition haha).


Captain Player #2 Player #3
Elodie Air Thouin Chloé
Margot Woods Yann
Justine MORGAN Thomas larbain
Trinidad Martin Pasquier Bella
Dev Levin Tomas Machado
Céleste Max Vazzi / Steph
Anne-Lise Ana Mac fly, mathieu
Anaïs brice Rita, Marita
Julia Samir Juicy Jules
Mya Punch Tommy
Johana Quentin Mateen
Laura Emi Florian
Lisa Baptiste Bouchard
Coralie Kim Jfran
Bulle Tomtox Pablo de Lille
Lishka Vincent Baretge Hugo Paris

Feel free to contact your captain, they also have your emails and should get in touch with you



And here is the poster made by our dearest Laura ! Enjoy :fire::fire:


MM… FOOD :falafel:

  • Please, bring your plates/bowl, cutlery, mugs/ecocups. There will be food for both days (breakfasts, meals and Saturday evening diner). Please make an effort on this.

PLAYIN’ & REFFIN’ / REFFIN’ & PLAYIN’ :field_hockey::policeman:

  • Games will be 10 minutes long. Yep old school bike polo. (if we have the time, lasts Sunday games will be 12 minutes).

  • Saturday will be divided in two groups so you don’t wait too long between games.

  • Nevertheless we need refs. Yes… To do so we figured out a solution : The 8 teams that don’t play in the morning/afternoon will have 5 games to ref each. We’ll make a schedule with 2 teams per 5 games so we know there are 6 persons available to main, assist and goal ref.
    Both teams can organize themselves. Talk to each other, we know some people can’t handle the reffing, but can help on goal ref or stuff like that. It’s only 5 games, which means approx 1 hour.
    If teams are missing letting the other alone and not respecting the other players (by letting them without ref), there will be penalties. Both captains are in charge.

  • Saturday & Sunday schedule : Breakfast starts at 8:30am, games start at 9am.

SUM FUN :crazy_face:

  • There will be a silkscreen printing session on Saturday ! Bring you t-shirt, sweatshirt, clean undies or whatever to print the artwork of the tournament on it. It will be only one color (As soon as we know we’ll tell you if it’s only one or if you have the choice between colors). Price is to be determined, we’re trying to make it free, but maybe it’ll be free pricing. Bring some clothes anyway !

  • There will also be boardgames and fun stuff to get busy while waiting for your games and stuff.

PARTAAAAY !! :woman_cartwheeling:

  • Friday : There is a welcoming party organized at the OG place Guidoline ( 38 Rue Molière, 76000 Rouen ) ! There will be a small surprise there, please come enjoy some beers and stuff. There are some place to buy food nearby. It closes at 10pm but there are bars nearby.

  • Saturday : This is not the Epiphanie, YET we decided to organize a party on Saturday night at Le Moby’s ( 38 Bd de l’Yser, 76000 Rouen ). There will be free food (I mean, you paid for it in the registration fees) and options available nearby AND there will be a quick game with all teams ! Don’t go nowhere else, we need you there ! Woohoo !


FINAL RESULTS (details (groups and double elimination))

1st. SCHMETERLING (Lisa - Baptiste - Quentin)
2nd. SPECTRUM (Dev - Levin - Tomas)
3rd. FYREBALL (Patos - Quentin - Quentin)
4th. LASCARS GO (Margot - Woods - Yann)
5th. SCOOP DOG (Lishka - Vincent - Hugo)
5th. IVRESSE & TENDRESSE (Bulle - Tomtox - Pablo)
7th. SABOTAGE (Justine - Morgan - Thomas)
7th. HOU LA LA (Céleste - Max - Vazzi)
9th. FEUX NOUILLE (Chloé - Manu - Mathias)
9th. RAD STAR (Trinidad - Martin - Bella)
9th. MILANO DEMONS (Mya - Punch - Tommy)
9th. J’ADORE HARDCORE (Julia - Samir - Jules)
13th. BELLA REY (Laura - Emi - Florian)
13th. MOJO (Coralie - Kim - Jfran)
13th. FIRECRACKER (Anne-Lise - Ana - McFly)
13th. HELL YEAH (Anaïs - Brice - Rita)

Best outfit : SABOTAGE
Best spirit : BELLA REY
Most valuable Player : Justine
Most Improved Player : Vazzi
Best Goalie : Margot
Pictionnary winning team : MOJO