No interest so far from Hungary and Croatia.
Czechs are organizing their own championship but some might be persuaded to play as a third in a 2/3 austrian team (ask them!).
Seems like Human Fish won´t participate but David and Peter are keen to play under 2/3 rule.
Had a quick check and don´t think anyone living abroad voted for a date the last two champs.
I prefer only giving voting right to players living Austria.
Free Agent here
Voting is over…
15-16 October is the weekend with the most votes, hence the weekend of the Austrian Championship 2022!
I will book that weekend with Red Dragons and apply for camping permission next to the court.
Please start forming teams.
We should have at least 8 teams registered by 14. September.
Maximum Critical Broccoli - Conny (Vienna), Christopher, Gulasch (Linz)
Supa Team! Freu mich, dass du dabei bist!
Freu mich auch, euch alle wieder mal zu sehen.
Ahhhh geilo
TBA - Georg, Jovi, Kyncl
Gilberto bahö - Johanna, Mateen (Vienna), Marco (Graz)
Get your teams names!
TBA - Miguel, Pavel, Felix (Vienna)
Tba-äna, Astrid, Peter
Die Angst steht dir ins Gesicht geschrieben
Cimcirimci - Mateusz, Kuba (Vienna), Tony (Berlin)
What? Haha very nice
Chilli Galanga - Omayra, Frix, Stefan
Great teams!
To explain our team name:
-Alberto Bomba (Marco, Stef, Django)
-Gilberto Mamba (Marco, Stef, Mateen)
-Allora Baho (Marco, Johanna, Jonas)
→ Gilberto bahö - Marco, Johanna, Mateen