ÖHBPM 2022 - Austrian Champs

  1. TBAA - Miguel, Pavel, Felix (Vienna)
  2. Cimcirimci - Mateusz, Kuba (Vienna), Tony (Berlin)
  3. TBAAA-Äna, Astrid (Vienna), Peter (ptuj)

Und Name für: Maximum Critical Broccoli - Conny (Vienna), Christopher, Gulasch (Linz)

  1. TBAAAA!- Shaki, Annick, TBA

Free Agent!


Free Agent, if anyone needs a player :slight_smile:

Hey Ho, let’s play Polo!

Free Agent


tba - schorsch, andreas, sepp


Free Agent :rainbow: :nerd_face: :orange_heart:
(Genf, zähl also glaub i ned als ö)

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I’m free as well😍, need a team.

Bringt noch wer seine Kids mit?
Meine sind beide dabei und freuen sich über Company :wink:

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tba - schorsch, andreas, sepp

Team: ein kleines Edelweiß

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BTW falls wer was von MILK BIKE POLO braucht, kann ich kurier spielen. Bei der bestellung einfach lieferung zu austrian champs angeben.


Old Spice
Reggae knights

want to play afternoon on saturday

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is there another orga chat for öhbpm 22? (sry, poloverse newbie)

if not should we start with an exel sheet :wink: ?

Game Format:
I would suggest

6 Swiss rounds / double Elim (No double final)

We could do two groups if there are more teams coming… (at least one)

Hoi Valentin. Ich hätte gerne 1 Wheel Cover von Milk. für 26 Zoll. BTW ich feue mich schon auf das gemeinsame Polospielen :slight_smile: LG Annick

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I`ll create one today

How come no double final in double elim?
I know it was recently done like that (Brussels?) but it doesn´t really make sense to me.

German champs had no double final.

For me it makes sense, if you see plying in the brackets + bracket final to be in the finals as separate steps in the game plan. So you play winners bracket final and losers bracket final to get into the final final and elim phase ends with it. - if that makes sense, if not, we can talk about it in person.

BTW I am not against playing a double final but prefer to have a single final so I would not discuss against double finals :wink: - only my suggestion without hard feelings

True, we can talk about single/double final in person at the austrian champs.

Personally I would prefer no groups for swiss rounds so teams that are somewhat even in strenght get to play against each other during swiss rounds and are not separated in different groups.

But we would have to find a solution for Max (Graz) and Felix then, who are not able to play saturday morning.

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a little update on our team - Tony cannot join:

  1. Cimcirimci - Mateusz, Kuba (Wiedeń), Madej (Stara Wieś)

ps. Wiedeń is a polish name for Vienna. our official team language stays polish

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