Public discussion about Swiss Comittee and Rep list (2021 and beyond?)

In my opinion the same is true, and a bit worst, if the opposite happen :

imagine training as a 4v4 non mixed and then majors tournaments are mixed mandatory, not only your team is ill prepared but totally non-compatible with tournaments. You will be forced to drop/swap one player.
In the opposite, having a mixed team doesn’t force you to do anything* in case of either decision about major tournament : you could play them as you trained.

It’s my vision of “safe”, having the smaller common denominator to play all tournaments.
It’s not the vision i see myselft forcing people to agree with but in a pure “mathematical” point of view i think it’s the safest.

I agree that an open format that aim for inclusiveness could work well for the Swiss bp scene, because teams will have choice. They will have the choice to take the risk of having to change their lineup (in either direction, going mixed or reverting to non mixed if the feel the need of it) and also may benefit of saved slots for mixed team as you proposed.

The be really transparent : i think that i kind of see what you’re aiming at Emmet (please note that i’m not sure) but i’m not sure the time and the size of the bike polo scene is on the side of having different levels, gender, formats, etc tournaments or league.
Pardon my english if it’s not clear.

  • except having a mixed team lol

Thanks Quentin. For me this is a good start.
As soon as is approved I will ask the club.
My only question is how are we going to count those votes? Following our current system by clubs (option 1) ?

I’ve sent the email. Let’s vote.

Note : as Mario proposed let’s take in consideration both individual votes and club votes.

Hopefully the results will be the same ( majority of individuals vote X and clubs vote X).

I propose a duration of one week for the vote. ?

Also : so far I’ve no answer from @kluk (lukas) from bale, I’ve texted Dani about it.
Edit : Lukas is still the man

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In Bex we have the assembly on March 18.
can we extend the voting date until then?


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fine for me !

4x Club vote (option 2)
1x Individuel (option 1)
1x vote blanc

"on vote pour la proposition 2 (par club) "
10 x votes pour Club
0 x vote individuel

St. Gallen
8 votes for individual
2 votes for club voting

8 Club
2 Individual
*Other members didn’t vote

5 Individual
1 Club

8 Individual
1 Club

Club vote : 12
Induvidual vote: 4

I should precise that when i was talking about 4v4 it was the 3+1 format we played last year, meaning : 3 players on the court and 1 player on the bench.
Sorry if it was not clear.

8 Club
2 Individual
*Other members didn’t vote

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5 Individual
1 Club

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Club vote : 12
Induvidual vote: 4


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all clubs have voted right ?

Results, someone double check please :


Majority of clubs and individual voices for the option n°2 : Club Voting


OK for Bex

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Should we now discuss/vote what’s next ?

Swiss champ format (3v3, quad ?)
Is Lausanne confirming his “bid” for the 1-2.06 ?

Sadly the city informed us last week that the court won’t be available (even though we asked before and they said it should be ok :rage:)
As we already published the date, we’ll try to stick to it and play on another court. We’ve already contacted several courts in the region, we’ll keep you informed.
But yes we confirm our bid to co-organize the swiss champs together with Bex.


Finally I think that the question about mixed swiss champs should be voted on as well.
Possible options:

  • no gender regulation (as before)
  • mandatory >= 2 genders in every team
    Do you see any other options?

Swiss champ format I think 3v3 and 4v4 is enough options. Or at least I’d be very surprised if there was a 5v5 or bench majority :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Sure .

Sorry to hear this

Maybe we could just wait and reschedule in Lausanne on your court when you have the autorisation to play ?

The lack of Euros/worlds this year means there is no rush for this to happen soon and to be honest June is already a busy time of the year. Swiss champs will be the big event of the season so why not postpone to September/October instead of trying to find a plan B ?

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We have the court in La Tour de Peilz confirmed and started some small orga stuff already. If many of you think that the proposed date is too soon / in a too busy period, we can probably make it in september/ october in Lausanne instead.
However, please let us know soon to avoid useless work :innocent:
If necessary let’s vote on it! Or in any case vote if you want to accept the lausanne/bex bid for swiss champs


For me September or October won’t be possible. So I am really happy with the current dates.
I think if we already have a court we could go ahead and prepare other events for the other part of the year.

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Ok here’s a votes objects proposal:

  1. Swiss champs 2024 organized by Lausanne + bex the 1.06 and 2.06 2024.
    a. Yes
    b. No (meaning postponing it also club who vote No should propose an alternate date and location)
    c. Blank (no opinion)

  2. Swiss champs 2024 format
    a. 3v3
    b. 4v4 (3+1 we played last year)
    c. Blank (no opinion)

  3. Swiss champs mixed mandatory (meaning gender diverse teams)
    a. Yes it should be mandatory
    b. No is shouldn’t be mandatory
    c. Blank (no opinion)

  4. Swiss champs 2024 count as qualification for euro 2024 (if they exist one day, not euros 2025)
    a. Yes
    b. No
    c. Blank (no opinion)

Deadline: 20.04

What you think about this vote objects and deadline ?