Public discussion about Swiss Comittee and Rep list (2021 and beyond?)

Just say gender diverse teams here, easy and inclusive.

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Deadline 20.4 is good for Zurich.
I already open the discussion on the club
Thanks again Quentin :slightly_smiling_face:

Is there any point discussing qualification spots for a potential euros - I know the chances of one this year are looking very slim :disappointed_relieved:

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Good optimistic point.

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I’ve added Emmet inquiry about Swiss champ being also selections for ehbpc 2024 (if they exist one day, in 2024).


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Added « blank / no opinion » option

super thanks

Corrected a typo here :

b. No (meaning postponing it also club who vote No should propose an alternate date and location)

I know the vote is ongoing but this question was rised by GVP members :

Do we have a vision about the flinta representation in Switzerland ?
If mandatory mixed is accepted by the majority of clubs : is there’s enough flinta in CH for like 16-20 teams ?

Lausanne: 2 Flinta who probably want to play swiss champs as one team, i guess.
Bern: probably about 4-5 Flinta who form maybe 2-3 teams (or Emmet what would you say?)

However at last years swiss champs there were only 12 teams, no?

Finally i’ve heard another suggestion, which might influence the voting:
If swiss champs are not mandatory mixed, we could implement the following format for Euro qualifiers (being it swiss champs or not):

  • first 2 teams are qualified
  • from the 3rd place on, the first 2 Mixed teams are qualified

Or a similar balance if we have more or less than 4 slots.
This might motivate intermediate-strong teams to play mixed, as you might also qualify if you end up 5th or 6th. Moreover, if winners and second are mixed, we might even have 3 or 4 mixed teams going to euros.

I hope you get the idea (it wasn’t mine but i like it). Even if I’m too late, would you want to add it to the current vote, as it will maybe influence team formation?

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yes you’re right i mixed (no pun intended) the fact that we played already 4v4 last season so we had less teams, not 16-18 “as usual”.

Geneva is 4 flinta.

I don’t really see how to add it as a vote, i don’t really get the idea because if you don’t have time to find a flinta AND also kind of average Team it will make it you almost impossible to get in the top 4-5 ?

It’s delicate seriously.

Maybe it should be set as a euro level, like EHBA set that there’s X slot for mixed team per country ?

A lot of question marks sorry.

Suggestion by Val :

If the Swiss champs aren’t mixed mandatory anyway, the third and fourth qualifier spots should go to the highest ranked mixed teams.
Yes / No / Blank?

Do you all agree to add it on the poll ?

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Yes, specially if you consider that 3 team from the region already are on the top 10 of the last world.

My other concerns it’s that if we even have enough Flinta players for each team we can’t guarantee that those players won’t play on the same team or want to play with the team available.

In Zurich currently we have 2 active Flinta players.

We already started the survey but I will try to update our community with this.

Bern has 3 (6*) active flinta players.

*3 members of our club are also members of Basel, Lausanne and Montpellier respectively

Two issues with this:

  1. It would be unwise to determine how qualification spots would be distributed before knowing how many qualification spots Switzerland would receive.

  2. This wording would potentially exclude an all flinta team

I propose the following:

If the Swiss champs aren’t mixed mandatory a proportion of the qualification spots will be reserved for gender diverse teams. The exact distribution of spots will be decided once EHBA announces the number of spots Switzerland will receive.


i could add that, with YES/NO/BLANK ?

Flinta CH :

GVA : 4
LAU: 2
BRN : 3
ZH : 2
BSL : 4
STG : ?
BEX : ?