Public discussion about Swiss Comittee and Rep list (2021 and beyond?)

Crazy shit!
It’s gonna be mandatory mixed this year!

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Results here :

Please double check if there’s a mistake.


sorry I don’t get why some clubs have club vote and other individual votes ? then I don’t understand how both can be mixed ?

a club vote should give as many votes as club members no? not only 1 ?

thanks for your work Quentin :-)

I just entered the information clubs gave me, but as said in the google doc only the green block count (it represents club vote).

ahh ok :) thanks, i undeerstand now

c’était pas super clair, voici le tableau nettoyé :



At first I had a similar reaction, but in hindsight I think the process of decision making perhaps lended itself to this result.

Firstly, because the format of questions 3 and 5 is already suggestive as to what result is preferable. A single question of something along the lines of: “How do we wish to be more inclusive to gender diversity?: A. Mixed Mandatory B. Alternative Solutions C. No change” would have been better imo.

I also think a referendum style vote on these matters does not always appreciate the complexities, consequences and histories surrounding these votes.

By any account, the vote has been made, and that is to be respected.
And I sincerely hope that all the positive intentions behind people’s choices prove to be fruitful!

But as the rep of Bern I feel bound to express my misgivings and regrets, especially because a team from my club, will now no longer be able to compete as they had intended, with only a little over than a month to go before the championships.

Their exclusion saddens me, as the people on this team have historically been active in trying to build and improve BPB for all members, and have also represented Switzerland at the highest levels and generally contributed to the culture of our sport.


I agree it’s not easy to phrase/ask it, it’s why the objects was proposed before going to vote, yet, i still agree that it’s not perfect.

Your proposal is fine but i don’t see a major improvement, because if “B” is chosen it’s almost as starting the discussion from the beginning, because there’s no real proposal in this formulation, what alternative, in which timing, etc.

The good thing in my opinion is that we have discussed and voted two times this year as Swiss BP and i think it’s a sign of good health for the swiss community. We have setup and refine a process to discuss and take decisions in a rather good democratic way, implying discussion within clubs, around the courts, whatsapp group etc and here.

As stated, nothing is set in stone and we can discuss and vote after this rather short season (i don’t see any euro happening, sadly) about the future 2025 euro/world season.

About the Bern, hopefully the team will still be alive for the Swiss, and even maybe two teams ? What would happen if 3v3 was voted ? To be honest i gave mixed mandatory voted YES almost (not really but close) the same chance as if 3v3 was voted YES again… very thin.
Yet it happened and if 3v3 was a thing i’ll be in the same situation of having to restructure our team.

  • My “aleternative solution” was a shorthand example - not a fully fleshed out suggestion of what we might have voted on.

  • I like to think I’d be making similar comments now if 3v3 was voted in

  • Agreed that it is good that Swiss polo is being active and that this is a foundation to build on and refine the process in the future.

  • The criticism I’ve outlined above is directed as much at myself as anyone else for not making more of an effort to refine the process before the vote.


It will be interesting to observe how many teams will get female Non-Swiss players to meet the new regulations… which goes contrary to the idea of elevating the female player base in Switzerland. Mind you, we’re talking about the Swiss Championship, not any international tournament.

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International help is probably the short-term solution for many, as the vote happend only a bit more than a month before the tournament. That’s for sure not what was intended, but for practical reasons I think it is an understandable solution for this year.
It’s sad that some teams and long-term members of the polo family struggle now. But as the voting was going on, one could have anticipated this outcome and could have been prepared too… I hope they will find a solution!

Let’s not get “traumatized” from the chaotic decision-making this year. It’s gonna be chaotic right now, as not many expected it to happen. In this way it is maybe a good thing that there won’t be euros this year.
I like to see the good intentions on the longer term, as for next year’s swiss champs (–> probably a year with euros too!) teams have more than a year to prepare for mixed teams, which means more inclusion on many levels (more inclusive recruitement of new members, inclusive training sessions, …).
However, we’ll see if next year the community will vote yes or no on the same question (let’s be more in advance then :wink:)


same as Mario, but also: note that votes were going on for the format too;
3v3 was a possible option. so the teams who already decided to play 4, were anyways undergoing the risk of separate themselves from one player.

and to all reps, i d like to ask the exact numbers of votes for every question, in order to compare the results of vote by club vs individual, i imagine on some items, we d have diverging results.

note that often swiss females are not taken in swiss teams and have to find players outside switzerland, this is also the case for not female underlooked players. so foreigners are anyways needed and anyways very welcome. the only diference is, from what you predict, the gender of foreigners invited. and i beleive that per se, its not an isue.
if you want to keep track, you can a posteriori compare the % of foreigners at swiss 2024 vs 23, 22, etc.

I don’t predict anything. Please re-read my statement.
My comment is intentionally written in a manner where one can derive different meanings out of it, depending on what position you assume the author (me in that case) has regarding pro-/con-mixed. It’s cheeky I know, but worthwhile.

i’ve updated the google doc with GVP ind. votes.

a question arised in Lausanne:
Option c (blank) has only an individual importance?
Because for the case of St-Gallen, they voted as followed on question 3:
3x yes, 0x no,6x blank

—> they have a majority for option c.

But we interpreted it as a yes, as there is more yes than no.
I would also interprete the result as a yes, but indeed it is not clear from how the question was asked.

Good one, thanks it needed a bit more fuel haha :slight_smile:

Joke aside : Blank votes are votes that are not taking in consideration.


Translation :

The blank vote and the invalid vote designate votes which are not counted in the votes cast. If neither of them influences the outcome of an election, it seems that, most of the time, the blank vote has a political meaning, while the invalid vote results from clumsiness.

So in this case we could say that StGallen have voted BLANK to the 3rd object and therefore their club vote is not counted, or counted as BLANK.

A scenario possible for this :

3 YES, 3 NO, 1 BLANK

We would need a tie breaker ?
Should we take individual vote in consideration for this ?

Bex will write us the ind. votes later.
Basel is missing, @kluk can you write here the ind. vote result ?

Buuuuut, another scenario :
as we asked for club vote an other scenario would be that within St Gallen they vote 3 YES, 0 NO and 6 BLANK and therefore they should have bring here the “YES” (because blank vote doesn’t influence the yes or no at a micro level).

I think one honest question would be : what St Gallen have voted as a club ? @Basil-St.Gallen ?

To follow up on the request, here are the individual votes. we are surprised to have to do this because the Swiss committee had already decided on the voting formula…

12 yes
4 abstain

9 4×4
3 3x3
4 abstain

8 yes
4 no
4 abstain

Euros 24 qualification
12 yes
4 abstain



sorry. i thought we have individual votes, not club votes.

in st.gallen we had all YES or BLANK votes, not one NO. i understand the blank as “i dont mind” so for the club vote just count the YESes. (and the 4v4)

maybe my english is not enough good for such long discussions… think of looking for another st.gall rep


Super, thanks Basil!
As everytrhing is clear for the swiss champs format/teams then, we will soon open the registration

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